
Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Top Republicans Seem Open to Some Kind of Gun Control

Congressional Democrats and President Joe Biden have vowed to act on gun control in the aftermath of two mass shootings that left 18 people dead, but despite their majorities in Congress, Democrats’ proposed bills would be extraordinarily unlikely to overcome a Republican Senate filibuster. 

Partisan gridlock on guns is nothing new. No major gun control legislation has passed in over 25 years, when Congress passed a 10-year assault weapons ban under former President Bill Clinton. But despite the constant stalemates, some Republicans have offered alternative plans, meaning that the possibility of some form of bipartisan gun legislation may still exist.


  1. Republican party selling out their base? Never do that would they? (sarcasm)

  2. Conservatives have conserved nothing.

    These slime in DC work for us ultimately. I get this feeling they will be reminded of that at some point.

    Saber 7

    1. Not if HR1 passes the Senate they won't. Not unless the Cold Civil War goes hot anyway.

  3. Trunsky seems unaware that we already have universal background checks on commercial sales.

    Everyone seems unaware that the problem is not guns but young black males, who are responsible for over half of all the gun deaths and some three quarters of all the mass shootings. Those crime are nearly always committed with 9 mm auto pistols.

    1. but, but, but they're going after the non-existent "gun show loophole" and other non-existent loopholes that the average U.S. person knows little about. They hear the buzz words and think there's actually something that needs to be fixed. What they don't know is that of the 20-30 thousand local, state and federal gun laws, NONE, NOT ONE has EVER prevented a gun crime.


  4. Have these idiots never read the Constitution they swore to uphold?

  5. Leave it to the repubics to never accept a win. They'll negotiate their position away every freakin time.


    De Oppresso Liber

  6. If the Republican leadership wants to sabotage their party and accelerate the split between their constituency and themselves, there is probably no better way to do it than to vote for more gun control. It would be the straw that broke the camel's back for a lot of us. Not one more vote for another national Republican candidate. Ever. EVER.

  7. Ah, yes. The Toomey-Manchin bill. The one that was "crafted" by those two frauds on the deck of Joe Manchin's yacht on a beautiful sunny weekend soon after the reelection of the Marxist-in-Chief Barry Zero. That's how these clowns think they get things done.
    News flash to Toomey, Portman, McConnell, Cruz You get things done by telling the Left BFYTY.

  8. Of course they are, what other idiots would surrender without a fight.
    Useless, every damn one of them.I
    I will not comply, I will not surrender, I will not go away without a fight.

  9. It’s cute how some of you actually think your vote counts for something. And that republicans give a shit about what you think. It’s a big club, brother, and you ain’t in it. The sooner that sinks in, the sooner we may get off our asses and do something about it. I doubt it, though. May our rulers’ chains rest lightly on our wrists.

  10. Does anyone still actually believe anyone in D.C. cares what "we, the people " want ? Seriously? There is no voting our way out of this mess. The only way out is through. Sic Semper Tyrannus

  11. Be Independent. Republican as we knew them back in the day no longer exist.

  12. Be Independent. Republican as we knew them back in the day no longer exist.

  13. Top republicans seem open...

  14. How the hell are "background checks on commercial sales" any different from what's been done for the last 40+ years ? I remember filling out yellow paper 4473's in the early 80s. Instant background checks came later, but you can't buy from a dealer without one. Unless you're exempt because you have a carry license.

    1. Texan (a FFL Licensee)March 30, 2021 at 10:21 PM

      You are not cleared by NICS if you have a carry license. However, you are stll required to complete a Form 4473.

  15. That political party acquiesced to the rogue cabal now occupying the capital building of the former nation known as the United States of American. They did not demand accountability on voter fraud and stood lock step during the coronation of the senile fool aka pretender n chief. The Bill of rights and Declaration of Independence are now null and void. Pretending otherwise is delusional.

  16. They can bipartisan suck my ass.

  17. I threw all my guns away in dumpsters behind grocery stores.


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