
Thursday, March 25, 2021

Your Thursday Morning Florida Report

ISLAMORADA, Fla. – Florida wildlife authorities are looking for two men who are accused of cutting a pelican’s gullet and then pulling it over the bird’s head, ultimately resulting in the bird’s death.


  1. Seriously... that is just depraved and sick

  2. I used to fish there every May and year after year it became more populated with assholes. Fuckers that did not know how to operate a boat. Changed over to the west coast to Pine Island and after 5 years there same scenario. Finally went to 10 thousand islands in the glades and never looked back. Gotta know how to navigate down there which leaves most people out.

    1. Pine Island sucks no one should ever go there. Just stay away.

  3. What kind of asshole would do something like this?

  4. Give that guy a Columbian necktie.

  5. Read the comments from that article, total bitching about the inhumane catching of fish with poles, not a word about the bird being carved up while alive or the assholes that did it who just walked away. That is not normal behavior, at some point they are going to start on humans. Those two guys need to found and put down.


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