
Wednesday, April 21, 2021

A shithole then, a shithole now



  1. its amazing how they romanticize that hub of scum and villany... for over a century the stench has blown across the country

  2. Every time I go to NYC, I can't wait to get back home. And wonder why anyone would like to live there. Yes, NYC is a real shithole. "Yinzer"

  3. First hand account.
    It's worse than '47. Better than '79, but still worse.

  4. The streets are clean and can that be considered a shit hole. Don't talk about today...Brooklyn is a shit is most of NYC.

  5. Flown out of New York 3 times. Each time I felt like I was getting out of a prisoner of war camp and wanted to cheer when we went wheels up.

  6. It has taken me many years but I've finally come to realize that the fault isn't just with the Demoncraps who run the place, and it isn't just with the new arrivals who don't know any better than to live in such a shithole, no the fault for such squalor lies equally with my beloved Conservative America, who consign those new arrivals to our shores to the tender mercies of the Demoncrap plantations, and their children to the evil indoctrination of the public school system. If we truly loved God then we would embrace those new arrivals, take them under our wing, and turn them into Americans. Which is, after all, why they came here in the first place. It's much too easy to blame them for their unavoidable ignorance.

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