
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Don't Be A Tactical Hobo - Lucky Gunner Ammo

It's our very first Q&A video! Today, Chris answers a question from a viewer about how to avoid dressing like a complete bum while effectively concealing a handgun. Is it possible to look like a respectable citizen while carrying, or are we all doomed to look like Walter Sobchak?

VIDEO HERE  (9:28 minutes)


I've always maintained that you have to dress for success when carrying a handgun.

My normal wear is Wranglers and a loose fitting button down shirt, and that's just fine for me to carry a 1911 shorty in a strong side holster - but that's with my build and posture. Your mileage may vary.
I also need to add that's with a belt holster that hugs my body tightly. While a paddle holster is more comfortable, it's not nearly as concealable.

One thing I have never done is the photographer's vest mentioned in the video. Nothing screams 'Concealed Weapon!' like a loose vest on a middle aged guy, particularly on a hot summer day, whereas a loose fitting shirt is perfectly normal for most men during that season. It's also one less layer of clothing I have to work around when drawing the weapon.

I do have different holsters for different occasions. If I want to carry completely concealed, I wear my 45 in the 5 o'clock position in a Galco Jak-Slide, positioned over my right hip pocket. It works so well that I test drove that holster by wearing a gun into the police station, and I'm not fucking kidding about that - the ultimate go/no go test.
Most of the time though, it's on my strong side at the 3 o'clock position and that works fine. You might be able to see the gun printing occasionally, but that's if you're looking for it and I honestly think that most folks assume it's a cell phone. Luckily, I live in a State where a gun printing is not that big a deal, unlike California where it's a big legal no-no.


  1. Sneaky Pete. Can draw just as fast as getting the shirt out of the way and looks like a PDA or cell phone case. Excellent safety and gun security. Many types to choose from.

  2. I may change my internet handle to tactical hobo. It has a nice ring to it.

  3. Florida is big on printing, too, or a shirt riding up.
    I carry my 1911A1 in the 5 o'clock position in a Kydex OWB holster. It's slim enough that it's not that noticeable.
    --Tennessee Budd

  4. “Hawaiian Hobo”......

    I love me some of those shirts......

    (I do get confused with the “Boogaloo Boys”)


  5. I personally sacrifice firepower for size.
    I carry a Ruger EC9s in my back pocket. Sure it's not a .45, but I figure if I ever have to use it, a .9mm at 3-8ft will do just fine.

    Tim in AK

  6. Shit, who cares? I will open carry or concealed depending on the weather, am I in work clothes or go to town or visiting friends. I don't give a shit, nor do most. I prefer open carry, usually I get complements on my handsome 1911 Springfield EMP chambered in 9MM.

  7. I carry in Michigan with an OWB leather holster. I carry at 3 o'clock position, sometimes slightly forward or behind that, depending on where the belt loops are at on the blue jeans I have on are at.
    In summer, just a T shirt is fine, for cover. I think that if you ignore the gun showing, nobody else is going to look either. Plus, in Michigan, we have open carry, so a brief flash, like if you reach up to pick an item on the top shelf of the store, is no big deal. My last carry gun had a nice Kydex IWB, molded to the gun. And I often carried it that way. I just haven't gotten around to spending the money for on for my carry gun now, a Ruger SR9c. No longer being made, I got one of the last ones, in stock at a very good price.
    I suspect that it is more attitude than equipment. With the exception that I have always used a dedicated gun belt, made just for that purpose.

  8. I carry openly most of the time here in NW Tennessee simply because it more comfortable. Same basic dress as you described but my shirt is tucked in. I carry a Kimber Ultra Carry II 45 ACP in a Galco OWB at 3 o’clock. I find that the bigger factor is the belt, I’ve got two double bull hide custom made gun belts that keep the holster in place and don’t roll. When better dressed is appropriate I carry a Springfield 1911A1 OWB in a hand tooled Dragon Leather Works custom Python holster.
    When concealed carry is warranted I carry a Sig P938 OWB over my right hip pocket with my shirt untucked.

    1. Check out these gun belts.

      That's the one I have and it's the best one I've ever owned, bar none. I've worn it every day for over a year now and there's no wear at all showing on it.
      It's extremely comfortable, but the best feature is the ratchet notches on the inside of the belt - it allows me to to adjust the sizing a quarter inch at a time, unlike most belts where you have to move up or down an inch to the next hole.

    2. Nice đź‘Ť appreciate the tip

  9. Ain't nothin in the world wrong with looking like Walter Sobchak.


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