
Friday, April 02, 2021

Goochland County man suffers ‘rare’ severe reaction to COVID-19 vaccine

GOOCHLAND COUNTY, Va. (WRIC) — A Goochland County man suffered a severe reaction after getting his COVID-19 vaccine and VCU doctors believe it was a direct result of the shot. 

Richard Terrell got the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine earlier this month. He suffered a severe rash that spread over his entire body and turned his skin red. The 74-year-old was admitted to the hospital and spent five days at VCU Medical Center. 


  1. Well, shucks-time to sweep this one under the rug. Never happened. The guy never existed. It's a right wing conspiracy and on top of that: it's all Trump's fault.

  2. Never take that vaccine. My BIL is a Doctor and says no way! It changes your RNA, look that shit up. Take at your own risk.

    1. Stop with this nonsense. If your BIL is really a doctor and told you the RNA of your body changes from a vaccination, he must have gone to some foreign, easy to get into vet school. Nothing you inject into your arm is going to change your genetics.

    2. the protein most certainly can enter the cell and become incorporated into the genetic code thru transfection...but seeing as how you're a big vet n'all, I figured you'd know all about that. I was wrong about that. You're wrong about a least as far as this experimental gene therapy injection goes.

    3. It hijacks your cells and makes them produce a protein fragment (the alleged Wuhan spike). Given that the gates foundation effectively mapped the entire genome of the USA with all the WuFlu testing, they now know which gene therapies to release where to get the desired result which is ultimately depopulation.

      The ruling class is tired of sharing the earth with us peasants and wants US, the peasantry, out of THEIR forests, THEIR mountains, off THEIR beaches, and to stop stinking up THEIR earth.

      There is no point in being a have if you don't have any have-nots to contrast yourself against. Check some of the World Economic Forum videos that they pulled due to damage control and see for yourself. There isn't even an attempt to hide the agenda anymore.

      I was held down and injected with unknown substances once. I voluntarily took more of them in the USMC, most of which were just abbreviations and I never had any semblance of informed consent; it lead to years of brain fog. Now that my mind is clear again, I'll never take these poisons ever again and refuse them entirely.


  3. 99.7% survival rate, just saying. They had to develop the hysteria over the virus in order to roll out this vaccine. Again, its 99.7%.

    Saber 7

  4. And yet he is glad he got the vaxx. Poor bastard, someone needs to put him out of his misery. Before he can vote again.

    1. I hope the guy that got the vax has his funeral & burial policy all squared away before he (stupidly) takes the second dose.

  5. Gordon (other Gordon)April 3, 2021 at 12:18 AM

    News Flash! Millions of people receive a COVID vaccine each day and suffer no adverse reaction.

    1. Ah a voice of sanity. Glad to see it. I deal with this stuff on a DAILY basis. EVERY vaccine ever invented in the history of vaccinology has side effects. Is the side effect worth the vaccine? 99.9% of the time yes. If you're at high risk for severe illness from the Rona (like my 80 year old mom on immune suppresives) then the vaccine is worth it. If you're 56 years young, never had the flu (or the vaccine) and not missed a day of work in 31 years because of illness like me, then you don't need to be jabbed. It's pretty simple actually.

    2. This isn't a vaccine.

  6. The second shot will clear that up.

  7. Goochland, close enough to be considered Richmond, arm pit of Va. His skin fell off but he was glad to get it? Brilliant. Some people will stand by their stupid decisions even if....well, even if all their skin falls off.

    1. You have clearly never been to Newport News or Norfolk. Most counties surrounding the city of Richmond are just poor country folk....I am one. You need to get out more and maybe come to Philly if you really wanna see some armpit hair.

    2. I am a good ol Virginia Country Boy and Goochland aint called country in my part of Virginia. I've run the ridges been in the hollars and made, drank shine, wine an apple brandy with many a good country boy. I've slaughter hogs, made ponhoss, apple butter on outdoor fires where goats were living on the front porch and we had burlap over our windows. I've also traveled the world and lived in many places. Maybe you ought to get out more. Don't even try to tell me I don't know Virginia Country, city boy.

  8. While I haven't gotten any of the innoculations, the J &J is an adenovirus, not mRNA.

    I agree and am, myself, a vaccine sceptic, let's flog this issue on the facts, please.

  9. Well...One thing's for certain, nobody can say this man ain't got skin in the game.

  10. I heard Friday that the factory that manufactures the J&J one dose, also makes Astrazenica and due to "human error" had mixed the two vaccines in the same bottle.
    "Human error" RRiight.

  11. The Johnson and Johnson was developed more along the lines of the more traditional vaccine and is not an RNA based vaccine. Also, there is someone that has a life threatening reaction to any drug or substance known to man. I don't care if it is Tylenol or Viagra or a banana....or a vaccine. Somebody is going to die from it. Listen to a drug commercial and all the horrific side effects they advertise...and yet those drugs help people with some pretty bad diseases, but no treatment is without risk. We all take risks everyday...we just decide the risk is low enough to take or not. I get a little tired of the stories like this because they are designed to scare people...based on a low percentage reaction to a medication. Had a patient a few weeks ago get prescribed the antibiotic cefazolin (Keflex)after a surgery, one of the most prescribed antibiotics in the country, and he developed the same syndrome as this guy in the article. Nothing is without risk. I also can tell you the husband of one of my co workers is currently on the vent with Covid,...50 yrs old...right about now he is wishing he got the vaccine. Figure his chances are 50/50 right now...and even if he makes it he is looking at a long recovery and probably a million plus dollar hospital bill...not all of which will be covered by insurance. Make your choices based on research...not on antecdotal articles like this one. We all are adults and you assume risk which ever way you chose, and what risk we take at 30 years old might not be the same choice we would make at 60 years old.


    1. "Make your choices based on research"
      Even when the research is lying to you?
      Globull warming supposedly "based on research" as well.
      Trained monkeys, even with a university degree, will do and say as they are told for the $$$.
      I'd trust my personal physician, maybe, but not these .gov clowns-their agenda is not your well being.

  12. Ref anonymous 3 April 7:07 pm: Desquamation (skin falling off) is a known side effect of many meds. Bactrim, commonly used for UTIs, is one such med.

    Now, does that mean you should never take one of those awful pills? Nope.

    Does it mean that out of several million doses, somebody will have an adverse reaction? Very likely.

    Remember that, should you ever encounter a news outlet populated with actual journalists, the "news" is reporting of the unusual, not the mundane. No "dog bites man" stories. Likely to be a "Dog(s) maul man" or "man bites dog" stories.

    Similarly, "Millions of people receive medication/treatment/inoculation, go on to live full healthy lives" is not news, but "Person received antibiotic, grows third eye" *IS* news.


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