
Friday, April 02, 2021

How to Make Your Lever-Action Rifle More Accurate

My love affair with lever guns started with a plastic Winchester M94—my first toy gun—and was cemented by my first real rifle, a Winchester 9422 Magnum that was a graduation present. Like me, countless other hunters have fallen under the lever-gun spell. But as we know, fine accuracy isn’t the forte of the platform. That said, there are ways to improve groups and increase the range of your beloved .30/30.


  1. The author's word is true. He was the Big Kahuna at the ballistics lab at Hornady before retiring a couple of years ago. He created the 6.5 Creedmore cartridge and helped Hodgdon develop some of their newer high-zootie powders like LeveRevolution. He knows his stuff.

  2. My favorite rifle is my top-eject Win 94. I put a Williams 5D peep on it years ago. I've always been happy with the accuracy but I'm going to try the author's mods and see if they make it a little better.
    I handload using the best hunting bullet ever invented, the Remington Cor-Lokt. Where I hunt shots over 100 yards are pretty rare but I've killed several deer at about 200 yards and I can ring an 8" plate at that distance pretty regularly and that's good enough.
    If I want to shoot farther than that I use my '06.

  3. Before and after groups would have been good.

  4. My first hunting rifle was a Marlin 336CS. My brother had a Win 94 and I always like mine a lot more.


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