
Monday, April 12, 2021

In Alabama’s ‘Trumpiest’ county, only 7.3% have received COVID vaccine

Tending a thrift store that displays a faded Trump flag in a nearly all-white Alabama county with a long history of going against the grain, Dwight Owensby is among the area’s many skeptics of the COVID-19 vaccine.
-Jeffery in Alabama


  1. I dunno. I've been hearing this shit about Trump followers not getting the vaccine. I could give a shit if he was president, I still wouldn't get the shot. My not wanting to put that shit in my body has nothing to do with a mere man. I voted for Trump, I liked a lot of what he did. It doesn't mean I wanna sit down and have a beer with him.

  2. Not directly relevant to the vaccine, but isn’t it amazing how the most Yankee president in my lifetime, the most gay loving president ever, the biggest business president in my lifetime, can inspire such loyalty from the deep rural south.

  3. This is the County I live in, the Free State of Winston. We have some amazing places to see here, Smith Lake, Looneys Tavern, BankHead Forrest a door a host of back roads.

  4. [rocketride]

    Because he isn't a 'wonk' or a 'wank'.

  5. Another feeble attempt at journalism. So full of misleading bias. The writer singles out a small representation to suit his own needs of having a mostly white population. Tries to tie not taking a vaccine to Trump supporters while not mentioning Trump supports the vaccine. Undertones of shame to those who would not take a new experimental vaccine for a virus that has a high survival rate.

    People really need to wake up and think and research for themselves.

  6. 1. Trump downplayed it because the WHO, Fauci, the surgeon general, et. al. downplayed it.

    2. It was only a few months ago that Kamala Harris and Andrew Cuomo said they wouldn’t take the vaccine.

  7. Less that 24000 people and 96% white. That's where I want to live.

  8. I'm looking for a place to buy a home on the mainland. First thing I pull up is demographics. You can sure tell where you absolutely do not want to live just by those numbers. Hell of a note eh?

    1. Go to
      It will tell you everything you want to know about any town in the US from crime rates to average income to racial make-up to average housing costs to you name it.

  9. Man I love Alabama and regret moving back here to my home state often. Great people, beautiful country views, practical, no bullshit thinking, once you teach them how to cook it's an awesome place to live.
    The author of this useless article is a propaganda tool for the idiots that eat
    up dumb shit, whether you get that vaccine or not is a personal decision and is nobody else's damn business so Fuck off.
    I don't do vaccines like that, I don't get flu shots and will not be getting any Wu Hu Flu shot either so piss off dipshits.


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