
Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Repealing N.C.’s handgun permit requirement will drive up homicides and suicides

As rates of gun violence rises across the United States, some lawmakers in Raleigh are trying to quietly sneak through legislation that would make North Carolina a more dangerous place for families and communities. With conversations taking place mostly in back rooms and out of the public eye, senators and representatives are seeking a dangerous and irresponsible repeal of the state’s handgun licensing system by trying to pass House Bill 398. Let me be perfectly clear, the repeal of this system will drive up gun death rates in our state and must be defeated. 

Evidence shows that firearm licensing is one of the most effective policies in reducing both gun homicide and suicide. By requiring a permit for the purchase of a handgun, a process that goes through North Carolina sheriffs and requires a background check, the permitting system helps ensure that guns are not falling into the hands of individuals who have a history of violence or are at risk of future violent behavior. 


I find it hard to believe that a Southern State requires a permit to even buy a handgun.
And then there's the part about the sheriff knowing who's at risk of 'future violent behavior'. Seriously? Sheriffs can predict that now?


  1. In GA one can carry open without a CC permit but must have one to carry conceited. In the other hand, if you have a CC permit one can purchase a firearm the same day. Otherwise, a background check requires, I believe, 5 or more days wait.

    1. You can still get a pistol same day without a weapons card. They do an instant background check that can take up to a hour. My CC expired by 3 months last year. Card was honored by law enforcement since nobody could get a renewal. Gun shop would not recognize it as it was expired and I had to have the background check. Six months later I was finally able to renew my CC permit.

    2. There is no waiting period in Georgia. The weapon carry permit lets you bypass the background check though.


  2. The Democrats in my home state of New Hampshire made that argument when the Legislature passed Constitutional Carry, claiming gun violence would go up dramatically and there would be shootouts in the street and a major increase in violent crimes.

    The result? The number of gun deaths went down.

    The violent crime and property crime rate went down and New Hampshire has one of the lowest overall crime rates in the nation, vying only with Maine and Vermont for the lowest crime rate which are also Constitutional Carry states. No permit is required to buy firearms in the three states. Background checks? Yes. Permits? No.

    1. The bleeding twats try that same worn out bullshit argument EVERY time we get a morsel of our freedom back.
      “Blood in the streets!” “Think of the children!”
      They’re like little fascist Chatty Cathy dolls that pull their own string.

  3. Charlotte resident here. I got a handgun permit prior to the lockdowns and it took about three weeks with two trips to the government center in Uptown. They're now processing permits remotely - no one allowed in the government buildings. I applied for an additional permit in October and just got it two weeks ago, I shit you not.

    1. Wait... am I understanding this correctly? You have to get a separate permit every time you buy a handgun?

    2. Yes, $5.00 per permit or the NC CCP permit will allow you to bypass getting a purchase permit.

    3. Yes you do in North Carolina. 1 permit = 1 hand gun.

    4. And since you have to get them from your county sheriff, if you move you can have a delay. I lived there 20+ years ago and moved from one county to another. There was supposed to be a 30-day or 60-day requirement of living in the county. I managed to get past it by proving I lived in another NC county for multiple years before that.

    5. When i lived in N.C. i went to the sheriff office got my permit in 3 min. and straight to the gun shop and out in 15 min. this was in 90 and my Hi-Power has been doing fine ever since!!! grayman

    6. Charlotte is notoriously slow. Lincoln and Catawba counties not the case.

  4. "Evidence shows that firearm licensing is one of the most effective policies in reducing both gun homicide and suicide"

    Constitutional Carry is THE most effective policy for self protection.

    Can't wait to see the ruling coming from SJC on carry out side the home.


  5. michigan has got hand gun registration and unless you have a CCW you have to pull a permit from the vopos before you purchase a hand gun. even if you have a CCW you have to take registration papers to the cops after you buy. It's my understanding that its not impossible to buy a hand gun "off the books". hell, more than an understanding, there are quite a number of unregistered hand guns floating around.

  6. I call bullshit on the authors assertion that removing permits drives up murders. Some of the safest states have constitutional carry.

  7. "Evidence shows..."?

    Compare the homicide rates of Vermont (0.02/100,000) with New Jersey (5.0/100,000).

    1. Maine and New Hampshire are just above that level...and are also Constitutional Carry states. Makes one wonder, doesn't it?

  8. Evidence? Oh, puh-leese. Not one of the studies cited stands up to peer review or scrutiny. Their numbers are highly dubious and deftly manipulated.

    For the definitive word on the subject, read 'More Guns, Less Crime' by John Lott.

  9. North Carolina isn't The South anymore.
    Thank the transplants in Charlotte, Asheville, and Greensboro.

    1. Don't forget the ones in RTP, either.

  10. NC was on the list of possible places to move but the more research I do the more I see it turning blue fast. Any state with big cities is out for me. They take over and control what everybody outside the city does.

    Jeremy P.

  11. Utter bullshit. There's been no permit requirement in Alaska for over a decade to carry (open or concealed) or purchase anything. As long as you pass the NCIS check, you're good to go. When was the last mass shooting up here? 2.7 gun murder rate per 100,000 residents in 2010 ( latest data I could find), that's better than a weekend in Chicago. Crime control, not gun control, you fuckin morons.

    1. Saw a “report” that Alaska was ranked #1 in gun violence, and California 43rd. Even though there were 33 times the number of homocides in CA. They counted suicides and then skewed it with the old per 100,000. Ridiculous

  12. "And then there's the part about the sheriff knowing who's at risk of 'future violent behavior'."
    Maybe there is a color chart

  13. When Oklahoma was debating the "Make My Day" law, the hoplophobe Left was clutching it pearls and shrieking about "legalized murder" and "blood in the streets". The bill passed, and NONE of the Left's predictions came true. Then, when the "Shall Issue Concealed Carry" was being debated, the lace panty Left started shrieking about "gun fights on Main Street", "legalized murder" and "blood in the streets". The bill passed, and NONE of the Left's predictions came true. Then, when "open carry" was debated ... well, you know the Left's predictions and, again, they didn't come true. Ditto "Constitutional Carry". You'd think that after being wrong so many times that they might learn from their errors. But, we ARE talking about Leftists here.

  14. The 2nd says "shall not be infringed". Sounds to me like a whole lotta "infringin' going on!

  15. I used to live in NC, the person who wrote this is a moron. There is no purchase permit requirement for long guns (just the standard NICS check), so what is stopping people from committing violent homicides and suicides with rifles and shotguns???

    Besides, the whole idea of the "pistol purchase permit" goes back to the Jim Crow era as way to deny handguns to black people. (Lynching isn't as fun when the victims can shoot back at you)

    But now in modern day, the government people still like the purchase permit because it does 2 things: 1) makes the process of getting a handgun such a hassle that a lot of people won't think it's worth jumping through all the hoops, and 2) it's a source of revenue. Like all government permits, theres a fee that goes along with it. Why would they give that up when they can tax you twice for the same purchase???

  16. In Michigan, they made the same predictions, when the Republicans passed the shall issue law on CCW. Blood running in the streets, gun fights at fender benders, etc. The local newsrag ran several weeks of editorials and front page articles, with their own fake statistics to back them up.
    Many years later, and guess what, no increase in murders or road rage gunfights. And the news rag of note, silent.
    We used to be able to use our Concealed Carry Permit as proof of a background check, and bypass that at our FFL. Since Michigan passed the recreational marijuana law, which by the way, also was the reason that we have the Empress of Lansing, Gretchen Whitless, who rode the coat tails of the voters who only came out to vote for that bill, our friends, the BATFE's, have decided that our CCW permit is no longer good enough to be used as proof of a background check, since we might be one of those demon weed smokers.
    And, if you buy a handgun, from an FFL or a private person, you have 10 days to bring a copy of the form that you must use, to your local cop shop. The permit is available to download from the state police or the state of MI website, if you are buying privately.
    My dad had an old top break revolver, in .32 S&W, made by Iver Johnson, the first one with a transfer bar safety. It was originally a black powder gun, and the barrel is rusted badly inside. He never registered it, he took it as payment for some food from their restaurant. Other than the barrel, it was in decent shape, the owl's head grips were really nice.
    Of course, being unregistered, and as the executor of his estate, I chose to dispose of it, rather than have an unregistered firearm in my possession. I am too cute for prison. If I still had that gun, I of course would try and register it, then see about getting a new barrel for it.

  17. How exactly are states allowed to infringe on Americans right to own firearms? All that crap is just a way to control what we as citizens can and cannot do! The Second Amendment makes it clear that the government has no authority to do any such thing! It can't be voted in by the people or legislated into law because it goes against the meaning and intent of The Constitution.

  18. Ah, the old "get the Sheriff's permission" law. Love to see the left defending Jim Crow, because that's exactly where that law came from.


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