
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday Video 8



  1. NEVER leve the keys in the ignition!

    1. Most new cars have key-less ignition now. The car will start if the key is "close enough" to the drivers seat, say, in a cup holder or the pocket of your coat that you left in the car. You can't do that, either. It comes down to situational awareness. Or rather, the true price of security is eternal vigilance.


  2. No sympathy. A neighbor posted a vid of a guy strolling into his garage and riding away on his 3K mountain bike. Same same. No sympathy. Garage open, bright orange expensive bike not locked down?

    1. So it's the victim's fault that some thieving nogger grabbed his car? Well okay then.

      I think we should treat this just like they treated horse theft back in the old west. Rope, tree, thief - some assembly required.

    2. No sympathy? Really?
      He deserved to have his car stolen? That sounds exactly like something a Democrat would say, whereas I say it's too bad he didn't put a bullet through his own rear window and through the scumbag thief's head.....

      Tim in AK

    3. So the criminal's good, victim is at fault. That's a special kind of stupid foolosophy there don't you knoe.

    4. I understand that it hurts to be violated by scum. However,
      I dint say the criminal was good. I figured with all the chest pounding situational awareness keyboard badasses here ya might understand not to give a thief an open fucking invitation to take your shit.

  3. GONE IN 20 SECONDS!! Lowlifes everywhere.

  4. I never leave my car unlocked for any reason while I'm outside of it.

    1. Especially if your car will start with just the push of a button. The car companies made it really convenient for the owners, didn't they? They forgot the rules of unintended consequences. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. My first minivan had the doors that closed with just the close of a button. Damn near cut my daughter in half, when it started to close when she had her body half in and half out. That was disabled right quick. I know that there is supposed to be a sensor that won't let the door close on anything. Two words, General Motors.

  5. Looks like he's still hanging on at the 24s mark--that's some tenacity!

  6. I have to save this video for the next time that my wife complains about me locking the car while I fill the fuel tank.

  7. And that, boys and girls, is why I always lock the car when I'm not in it...

    1. And never leave your key in when filling up. Just a good habit to get into even when people are sitting in your car.


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