
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

California AG: Buying or printing fake COVID-19 vaccination cards is a crime

California’s Attorney General Rob Bonta on Wednesday warned residents not to print fake COVID-19 vaccination record cards at home and not to purchase counterfeits. 

“These counterfeit records undermine the health and safety of Californians and are also illegal,” Bonta said in a consumer alert warning. “I advise you to get your COVID-19 vaccination and the authentic vaccination record that reflects you were vaccinated. Please do not purchase a fraudulent record, do not make your own, and do not fill in blank vaccination record cards with false information.”


  1. Hey rob
    (Pic of vac card that says “go fuck yourself)

  2. Freedom of speech. My vaccination card isn't a forgery. It literally says "Go Fuck Yourself".

  3. Hey bob, FUCK YOU. This fuck nut needs to be punched in the face.

    “In the mean time Im gunna take a nap, wake me when its time to kill all my liberal neighbors.” Source unknown

  4. Yes the private market comes through shine.

  5. Fuck you.......and your little injection too.

  6. So, the only reason they can give for a fake vaccination card being illegal, is the unauthorized use of an official seal on it. So, I would be willing to bet that you could create a fake, leaving the official seal off of it, and most people wouldn't notice it is missing.

  7. Enforcement of federal laws is the responsibility of the federal government, not some third-world shithole AG.

  8. Odd that the AG didn't cite exactly which law you would be violating if you printed out a fake card. Probably because there isn't one.

  9. Let’s set a dollar value on a filled-out COVID card. Make it $750. Then people in CA can just steal one with minimal, if any consequences.

    Also, every white person should claim to be “two or more races” or “Hispanic” or “Native”. And bitch endlessly about all the suffering of your ancestors, or relatives, or people who have vague claimed similarities to you. (I see a lot of essays by foreign medical grads trying to get an American residency position, and 90% contain tales of woe and suffering, both personal and “legacy of colonialism” stuff, even though the people writing the essays are from their country’s top 2%, the kind who can literally get away with homicide back home.)

    Play by their rules. To the hilt.

  10. How are they illegal? What "Law" prevents using them? Since this is not a true "vaccination," only an experimental, emergency use declaration and not a true vax record, I smell bullshit and call the AG of califrutopia out...

  11. It's hard to understand why safe and effective vaccines have to be forced on people and proof of "compliance" must be presented upon demand.

    Oh, wait. I just looked at the wall calendar; it's 1933 Germany.

    Never mind. Good times!

  12. Asking for vaccination records is unconditional. Roe v. Wade established medical privacy. If someone asks for your vaccination records, ask how many abortions they've had. Both questions are unconstitutional.

  13. He needs to quote the controlling law that was passed by the legislature that specifically makes this specific act a crime. Otherwise it's just his personal OPINION.

  14. That ass doesn't make laws or,determine whether its a crime or not. Besides, too late.

  15. Requiring a "covid vaccination card" is a crime... morons, all of them. Is it time to start stringing them up yet??????

  16. The vaccine undermines the health and safety of Californians.

  17. I don't recall "vaccination cards" being an official state or federal document. This is also unenforceable without a database and even if there was a database tied to SSN or similar, it's still probably unenforceable.

    Probably a violation of the 1A too.


  18. Sure Rob. Whatever you say.

  19. B-b-but fraudulent DL or IDs are okie dockie.

    Anyway, the AG's little statement is just BS. Consider, who would heed what he is saying? Those who would heed his 'advice' are them likely to not get a fraudulent card. Those who deal in fraud would not listen to the idiot. Naw, this is only about bringing the issue of vax cards to the forefront to keep it in front of the people, to 'soften' the perceptions, i.e, acceptance. Not shown is wondering why one even needs a yellow star anyway. Papiers, Juden!

  20. They don’t bitch about my
    counterfeit handicap placard❗️

  21. So is requiring them you douche monster.

  22. So is requiring them you douche monster.

  23. I stand corrected. These people do know how to create markets and then market their goods. Remember: “The big guy gets 10% in front.” BUT, OF COURSE, BLACKS, MARXISTS AND DIMWITS GET A FREE PASS.

  24. When vaccinated people are afraid to be near unvaccinated people, does that not mean that the vaccine enthusiasts believe that their vaccine does not actually work?
    Why else would one be afraid of the unvaccinated if the vaccine that you are proudly braying about getting really does work at protecting you....hmmm?

    Tim in AK

  25. I spose if you use a fake card to get a job or some other financial gain, that requires you to be vacinized you are commiting fraud. Just my way of thinking.

  26. Let's all show our fake vaccine cards at the restaurants that were visited by governot Nuisance when he defied his own rules about social distancing. And of course, Nanzi's hair dressers.!

    1. That would be a great idea if we either
      1- Could afford a $500 dinner at The French Laundry, or
      2- Had the least bit of interest in going into that shithole San Francisco to get our ears lowered without having Nancy's security detail along for the ride.

      Still, I applaud your active imagination.

  27. Fellas, there’s no need to worry - we can all be vaccine-fluid and identify as someone who has received 2 doses of Pfizer, after all, who wants to be a bigot and question it if we say that’s the truth?

  28. Sounds like the California AG may be talking out his ass. I doubt there is any statute on the books that deals expressly with vaccine cards. Are they even an official state document? And if so, what right does the state have in putting experimental "vaccine" data on it, or even any health information? Seems like a violation of HIPAA.

  29. I am surprised noone posted a link to get a fake card.

  30. So, are you going to need to show one to vote? I didn't think so.

  31. Governor Kemp in Georgia has signed an Executive Order banning state agencies from requiring a vaccine "passport".


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