
Monday, May 03, 2021

Company Works To Reopen Idaho-Maryland Mine in Grass Valley

GRASS VALLEY (CBS13) – It’s been decades since gold country in California has been actively mined, but a Canadian company wants to change that.

Taking a stroll down Main Street in Grass Valley, photos in store windows show the town is known for its rich Wild West history, including its role in the gold rush. That once included the Idaho-Maryland mine, not far from downtown.


  1. My Grandparents lived there and I spent many hours in Grass Valley and Nevada City. It was the heart of the gold rush country.

  2. Is there any project that would not draw in protesters?

    1. My thought also.

      Notice that the article doesn't say how many protesters there were...but if they all fit on ONE street corner, there couldn't have been many.

  3. Enter the NIMBY's. Sacramento was made by the gold rush

    1. A different Canadian company tried to reopen the same mine not long ago. After more than ten years trying and a few million dollars spent they finally gave up.
      The arguments being made this time are the same as before, by the same drum banging crowd that has nothing better to do with their time but gripe about an industry that sustained Nevada County through the Great Depression.

  4. All those tree hugging leftists that moved there from the Bay Area won't allow it !!

  5. They are trying this in California? Good luck... I'm surprised they didn't look for a place in Nevada or Arizona instead.


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