
Friday, May 21, 2021

Damn, nothing bashful about him, huh?

The manager of a Georgia gas station is accused of sexually assaulting a police officer who was on duty and in uniform. 

According to the Hogansville Police Department, Prilesh Navinchandra Thakkar “attempted to forcefully commit an indecent act on an on duty female police officer.”


  1. and...this is why female cops, soldiers, and firemen is a dumb idea. OK, he was 300 lb. And surprised her. BUT...cop. Job description includes "take down big mean men". Even drug crazed, PCP enhanced ones.

    Sure, she escaped. And "reported the incident". Oh, crikey. She called The Man. Waittaminit! She IS The Man.

    She shoulda grabbed her equalizer, given him one chance to lay down, and failing that delivered two in the gut, one in the head. Call for disposal, not a prosecutor.

  2. I guess horny boy Prilesh Navinchandra Thakkar couldn't find a goat was desperate.

  3. She should have triple tapped him. Scum like that can NEVER be too dead.

    1. In some training sessions, Instructors teaching the Mozambique Drill are teaching two to the body and at LEAST two to the head not just one.

  4. Perhaps this is how it needs to be done. Citizenry doesn’t like how the pigs are acting (raping, robbing, murdering) simply do unto them until they get their act together. Call it community action

  5. When I was growing up, my Dad told me to stay out of Troup county, where this happened. He warned me that the cops there were some of the most aggressive in Georgia. Guess not so much anymore.

  6. There were no DETAILS of what he tried to DO to her. Not a complete news story just click-bait.

  7. Feminism in action. If my husband was her partner I would be pounding on someone’s desk to get him a different partner.

  8. Hmm, unlike the movies where the females can take down men with some bullshit martial art move real life tells a whole different reality. Women are not physically able to do some jobs due to their inability and that's just a fact of life. Fuck PC culture and all that nonsense.

  9. It sounds ridiculous that a female cop did not arrest (or tune up) a man sexually assaulting her. But to be fair, it's possible she was confused over whether the asshole was a Hindu or a Dindu.

    ROEs regarding Hindus are as yet unclear, but defending yourself against a Dindu means you lose your job, AND you get prosecuted for standing up to the (second) most sacred type of H. sapiens walking the Earth. Plus your city gets burned down.

  10. That puts a new spin on, "Thank you, please come again."


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