
Friday, May 07, 2021

South Carolina Senate Passes Open Carry Bill

News from South Carolina. 

Gun owners permitted to carry concealed weapons in the state of South Carolina are soon likely to join residents in 45 other states who can carry their hand guns openly in public — a proposal that has frustrated gun-control advocates, doctors and top law enforcement leaders but was a resounding win for many Republican lawmakers.


  1. Ah, nazzo fast there Guido ... from

    1. Open Carry passed, Constitutional Carry failed.

    2. Noted ..

      In other SC news, the legislature just did a veto override and made death by Firing Squad an option in lethal injection is not available

  2. Mr. Smith can't write for shit. I got lost on whatever it was he was trying to say.

  3. I predict a big uptick in "Show me your papers" by the armed gov't workers which is why I won't open carry in public.

  4. Open carry for concealed carry permit holders only is the responsible way, because it means, somewhere along the way, you took a class and passed the carry without a course is wrong, it allows any unprepared asshole to carry a weapon, and I don't believe we want least I don't and I live in South Carolina and possess a CWP...

    1. Don't tell me how to carry. Glad you got your permission slip though. Ohio Guy

    2. As someone who's taken several courses (different states, different decades), I can assure you that the course is crap. The instructors plow through state mandated material that is little better than the stupid driver's ed book (and what a mess that was). I've been handling firearms for almost 50 years, and after each class I felt as if I lost a dozen IQ points.

      So, just saying, taking a class versus not taking a class doesn't mean a whole lot.

    3. Get the fuck out of here
      Why in the hell would anyone need a concealed carry permit to open carry ?
      Thats almost the most ignorant thing I've read today...

  5. "Doctors" need to STFU and do their jobs. And it's getting so the nurses are even worse. I'm getting convinced all of them are named 'Karen'. This medical tyranny bullshit they are pushing on us is going to eventually end in a blowback.

    1. I agree Unclezip...and I am one! Too many of my colleagues are on this, "Iamadoctornursefrontlinemedicalherosoyoushouldlistentome" kick. And way too many of them couldn't pour piss out of a boot with the directions on the heel. DocV

  6. live in SC, my wife wo never shot a pistol, passed both tests. She has her CCW.


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