
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Your choice, Gentlemen

The South Carolina House has voted to add death by firing squad to the state's execution methods amid a lack of lethal-injection drugs — a measure meant to jump-start executions in a state that once had one of the busiest death chambers in the nation. 

The bill, approved Wednesday by a 66-43 vote, will require condemned inmates to choose either being shot or electrocuted if lethal injection drugs aren't available. The state is one of only nine to still use the electric chair and will become only the fourth to allow a firing squad.


  1. Leave it to death row to vote on who gets what. Throw in a length of rope and a meat cleaver as well. Let's not forget justice for our betters if you really want to get to the "heart" of the matter. Ohio Guy

  2. A full face mask, a tank of nitrogen, and a regulator are all you need for a painless execution. Almost as soon as you replace room air with pure N2 the subject will pass out quietly. In a few minutes breathing will stop, the EKG will flatline, and subject is dead.

    No need for special chemicals, IV lines, etc.

    Anyone who has had confined space safety training knows hypoxia is a silent killer.

    1. Are all Medics kind souls like you? Ohio Guy

  3. "If the drug isn't available" Horseshit. Go to any vet and get a vial or two of pentobarbitol. If it's good enough for Fluffy it's good enough for Farrakhan Mohammed.

    1. Its not that the drug is unavailible, it's that the supplier is then opening themselves to be sued for liability. Think OJ, he was not guilty of killing, but liable for her dying.


  4. What do they do with all the fentanyl they confiscate? Addicts like George Floyd die everyday from taking a tiny grain too much of that. Every decent size jurisdiction in the country ought to have enough of that shit laying around to off every lifer in the country. Give them a tiny amount, they get high, they go to sleep, they stop breathing. What's cruel about that and how could it be worse than what they use now?

  5. What's wrong with one behind the ear as they walk through a door?
    - Vladimir Putin


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