
Friday, June 25, 2021

After a Puerto Rican couple is brutally shot in Chicago by black gang, Democrat activist claims they had it coming

As a graphic video of a vile Chicago shooting over the weekend made rounds on local and social media – but not national news – the founder of an award-winning Democrat PAC claimed the victims deserved it, then deleted his account. 

Harrowing footage of a man and a woman being dragged out of their SUV by several African Americans, shot multiple times, and left to die on the street began circulating on social media on Sunday. The recording purported to show an incident on Saturday evening in the Humboldt Park neighborhood.


  1. I wouldn’t want the illegals near me either.
    God is a busy man, just kill the women.
    No more breeding=extinction
    🤧Bratwurst with mustard

    1. Any man that advocates for killing women is a piece of shit in my book, and Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory moron I hope you eat shit and die

    2. You're a real fucktard!

    3. They mean to kill you and then yours pard or worse
      Please continue your plan to lay with the animals in peace, it is clear to see how it is working for you.
      Best of luck surviving what’s coming.
      Animals we ALL are, some of us simply haven’t forgotten. 🏴‍☠️Bert

  2. Puerto Ricans are US citizens.

    1. Anon must have been listening to the “wise lantina” of SCOTUS fame that said her parents “immigrated” from PR.
      No they didn’t dumbass, they just moved!

  3. If rather have illegal workers near me than legal freeloaders...

  4. There are some seriously rough neighborhoods in Chicago, Italian changes to Slavic to black to Puerto Rican block by block in some places and nobody gets along with the other blocks. It would be a foolish mistake to be in the wrong neighborhood day or night

    1. If only there were still a group of *wink wink* legitimate Italian businessmen holding down street crime.

  5. If the races were reversed, Al Sharpton & the gang would be yelling about this being a hate crime. And whaddya mean "they deserved it"?

  6. JD, thus the term "shithole"

  7. Gee, I hope the Peter Reecans dont retaliate and start a shooting war in the windy city. That would be terrible.

  8. USA citizens really need to stop and listen to some of our 'leaders. Especially Democrats who advocate the killing of Whites. Violence and Genocide is now here, after long enough time advocating the shooting of Whites (and now Asians), this nation is in trouble. It will get worse before it gets better. I have no idea when or how bottom will occur, but we ain't close yet.

  9. Hell is not a concept to these backwards fuck plantation negroes. They are in for a rude awaking.


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