
Wednesday, June 02, 2021

Californians could see rolling blackouts this summer

DIAMOND SPRINGS, Calif. — California is expecting an extremely hot summer and the state's top energy officials said rolling blackouts could be possible. 

Elliot Mainzer, CEO of the California Independent System’s Operator, known as Cal ISO, said extremely hot weather can always pose a threat to the grid.


  1. “We all got it comin’, kid.” Eod1sg Ret

  2. Where will all of those smug greenies gonna re-charge their magnificent electric cars?
    California can't even keep up with normal summer electrical demand much less trying to replace all the energy now coming from gasoline and diesel fuel.

  3. Can’t wait to watch them try to power all those electric cars.... gonna be a circus of epic proportions.

  4. A note to kalifornians: don't forget to always plug in your EV.
    And carry a gallon of spare electricity with you if you can't get a full charge because there is no power.

  5. There is absolutely, positively NO reason why CA should suffer from brown-outs or black-outs. All they need do is put the "peaker" plants back in operation, but oh-no we have to worry about "globull warming"!!

    1. The last figure I heard was that California has to import about 30% of it's power from outside of the state.
      I hope this year the hydro plants have to cut back output to almost nothing and that the out of state generators tell Cal ISO to go pound sand.

    2. Ha. Where is Enron when you need 'em.

    3. And Gray Davis! We need him to come back and single-handedly build gas fired power generation plants like he took credit for doing just before he was recalled after the last 'energy crisis'.
      Then Newsom will declare them illegal in 10 years because clean burning natural gas contributes to Climate Change, don't you know.

      I swear, California 'leadership' is full-blown psycho. Gavin Newsom has done everything Gray Davis was recalled for but the fools in California think he's Dreamy. Insane.

  6. Diamond Springs? Haha. Of course it's hot. I see that the newz peeps go where it's less likely to be randomly shot at or robbed than in mid or downtown Sac to stir up their shit. Punks. Nut up or shut up phags.
    BTW, I have plenty of 'lecticity to charge my pious Prius, thanks.
    Kidding. My truck burns dinosaur juice. Lots of it, too!

  7. I'd be rolling out of California if I was there. Liberals have messed up a nice piece of ground. Again.

  8. Fuggit, My Generac is all serviced up and the propane tanks full. Bought a big one so I can run the A/C and let the rest of them sweat.

  9. This is nothing new for kaifukinornia. If you look at it's history, kaifukinornia has had trouble keeping the lights on in certain areas ever since it had electricity..


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