
Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Do they think those ankle monitors are just status symbols or what?

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (WJZY) – A suspected armed robber is behind bars after investigators say his alleged getaway driver led police right to his front door. 

Travis Chisolm and Terrence White were arrested by CMPD in February, charged with armed robberies on back-to-back days. 

But a new FBI affidavit shows how police were able to capture the suspects so quickly.


  1. Gosh,how did he manage to ever get that ankle monitor in the first place?
    Seems Waaay too smart to get in trouble.

  2. Seems like I have heard about a low IQ group. His buddy will kick his ass for not telling him about the jewelry.

  3. Is this another "guess the race" contest?


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