
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Federal Judge Slaps Down Government in Challenge to US Private Vaults Seizures

LOS ANGELES—Late Tuesday, U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner granted a temporary restraining order that stops the government from using civil forfeiture to take the contents of safe deposit boxes seized in the FBI’s raid on Beverly Hills company U.S. Private Vaults. Jeni Pearsons and her husband Michael Storc, along with Joseph Ruiz and Travis May, teamed up with the Institute for Justice (IJ) to fight that unconstitutional seizure and the FBI’s attempt to take their cash and valuables forever. 


  1. The courts response to rich peoples assets being wrongfully seized: "That's unconstitutional! This must not stand!"

    The courts response to poor peoples assets being wrongfully seized: Crickets

    A friend, now passed, used to end the Pledge of Allegiance with the words "With liberty and justice for all that can afford it." He was a wise man.

    1. The poor folk in this part of the country know how to deal with thievery without the need to put on the church clothes and waste gas going to town. One simply puts a round in their face, then shovel.🏴‍☠️Bert

  2. Went down that IJ site's videos-rabbithole Kenny and that case you've highlighted in this instance "just approaches" the level of sheer outrageousness I ever heerd of.

    Take for instance this case:

    (Owing to its Tennessee connection I figured it more likely to touch base with the readership here. Long-time reader but I'm pretty sure the only few times I've commented is when I put those 'heavy weather's heading my/your way' links.)

    JK of Arkansas

  3. Of little deterrent value unless the judge ordered the immediate arrest and incarceration for contempt for failure follow the original warrant that expressly forbade seizure and search of the individual boxes

  4. The Fed criminals will simply appeal this to a complicit black robed pirate who will overturn this ruling.....

  5. Civil asset forfeiture is THE BIGGEST crime ever perpetrated on the American justice system. It gives cops at all levels a license to steal from everyone in the country. Got more than $100.00 in cash on you? Must be drug money, give it up and right behind it is qualified immunity, which allows cops to become Derrick Chauvin's.

    1. Tennessee seems to have an obscure law that's titled "Having too much money while driving westbound on Interstate 40."

  6. All involved on the .gov side have names and addresses. Stop fucking whining. Release their “precious fluids”! Until enough of these Orks AND THEIR FAMILIES assume room temperature nothing will change.

    Dear Mr fbi, cia, dhs and fusion center heroes, theres comments are for entertainment only and do not reflect any reality.

    Saber 7

    Really its all just fun and games, till someone gets an eye put out.


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