
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Godfather of Color Revolutions: Is George Soros the Most Dangerous Man Alive?

Of course you’ve heard the name “George Soros,” often invoked as a sort of folk demon on the American and international right, it’s likely that you have some vague notion of why you think he’s a bad guy, or maybe you think the whole thing is a bunch of hype. 

However, if you’re a freedom lover, there’s nothing “hype” about the influence that George Soros has around the world attacking your freedom. Indeed, you probably vastly underestimate the influence that he has on politics.


  1. He is evil incarnate. He even betrayed his jews giving them up to the nazi's.

    1. A simple question.....why is he still breathing? it possible that all who are capable of doing him in are on his payroll?....

  2. Most dangerous, no....
    Most evil, yes....

  3. He has a date with our Creator and I do not envy him at all.

  4. Replies
    1. Because, in the end, nobody ever does anything.

  5. That bloated cocksucker and his band of screaming meemies deserve the pink mist solution!

    Chutes Magoo

  6. He's Global Sociopath Number-1 with no rivals. At least Hitler, Stalin & Pol Pot did their dirty work out in the open. If he didn't have his billions he'd be limited to dissecting 5 year old girls and boys he kidnapped without anesthesia after he raped them and finally dining on the roasted body parts.

  7. The meddlesome Marxist bastard ought to meet with a bullet to his brain.

  8. Would anybody miss him if he had a um.... accident?

    1. His son Alexander is already running daily operations (passing out the money) and nothing will change after George is gone, unfortunately.

    2. That is correct. georgie boy also has his home in chappaqua, ny. know anyone else in that hood?

  9. His filthy animal kid is just as bad. They need a drone strike.

  10. Shows how times have changed. His type would have been assassinated 80 years ago. Today the leaders kneel in his present. His family will follow in his steps and carry on the goal of destroying freedom and pushing global government.

    1. "His type would have been assassinated 80 years ago."

      Not sure about that. One hundred years ago Jacob Schiff was "a German-born Jewish American banker, businessman, and philanthropist" who took up many causes such as funding the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War, thereby politically, economically, and militarily weakening Tsarist Russia. Wikipedia swears up and down that Schiff was anti-Bolshevik. I of course believe this 1000% because a man as smart as Schiff could not possibly be expected to see the logical outcome of overthrowing the Tsar. Also, highly reputable and objective sources all over the web tell us that Schiff was opposed to Bolsheviks (example linked below). So there. Domestically in the US Mr Schiff supported many other good causes, and even sat on the board of the NAACP.

      Schiff died in bed at home aged 73.

      Read this entire article. It is worth your time. Ignore the stuff like "a strikingly handsome radical-revolutionary, Lev Davidovich Bronstein — otherwise known as Leon Trotsky..." and "... which mythology of Trotsky should we believe? Was he the psychopathic-blood-thirsty-totalitarian,[...] Or was he a humane sophisticated intellectual who [believed in] social justice, egalitarianism, and brotherhood of fellow man?" Skip over that stuff.

      Concentrate on stuff like this: [regarding claims that Schiff and other New York bankers financially supported Trotsky] "The notion that bankers would finance a radical socialist, whose end goal was to destroy the financial system that gave them extreme wealth in the first place, seems rather preposterous." Yeah, just like today where rich people and corporations would be completely against Antifa and BLM. We see that every day. Bankers and the like could never be so foolish.

      Soros-like behavior has been going on for a very long time, and the people at the top have never personally paid the price for their actions.

  11. Please.. Soros is just one if a large group of sociopathic power junkies.
    The #1 threat to the world is Schwab, the WEF founder, and the WEF has the governments of the world in its pocket hence the Covid/AGW lunacy in the name of the new green deal formerly known as communism. Think things are bad now? Wait until this time next year.
    Governments will fall, revolutions will be looming very large.

  12. I think we need to go after the source that is feeding the alphabet networks with their marching orders. New normal and other BS. Cut the head off of that snake.

  13. Hungarian PM Viktor Orban took on Soros and won, causing a Soros-funded university to leave Hungary. Soros' organizations have funded newspapers in the Caucasus region and in the Balkans, opposing governments that oppose Soros. What he does is not illegal, only dangerous.

  14. When the most heavily armed population in the world, with hundreds of thousands of battle hardened men de-mobbed and sitting at home; have NOT to date taken up even one weapon against the insults and injuries of the political elite must mean that so far they haven't given up on peaceful change.
    That Soros, Amazon guy, Zukerberg and the rest are as yet untouched, well, check out the security forces they have protecting them. Bezos has a larger security team than the Vice President.
    They know. I wonder if they are wondering what's taking us so long.

  15. I, as a Jew, would like to be the one to pull the lever on the trapdoor on this one. Please.

  16. why is this son of a bitch still walking on this earth?


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