
Monday, June 28, 2021

Good Morning



  1. I'm Ready for My Close UP Mr. DeMille..........

  2. Far more intelligent than most...Ohio Guy

  3. Border collies, pretty much the brightest dogs out there, apart from mine.......used to call him Retardo but the wife made me call him Lucky ffs.

  4. Replies
    1. I love the way he prances towards the camera.

    2. Me, too! I had to share a whole lotta times!

  5. Since there's no sound we don't know if he was responding to commands from his master, but if NOT...I'd say that's about the smartest Dog I've ever seen. It appears he understands that is him on the phone screen!

    1. Hell, even if his master is giving commands over the phone, that dog's still 10 times smarter than that asshole dog Jack. I've been trying to teach him to lay down for 2 years now.

    2. He is smarter than you think he has you thinking he is dumb but he keeps fooling you! If you can not teach him to not bite you in the ass he sure is not going to lay down on command!!!grayman

  6. Some would call him a tri-colored Border Collie, some would call him a tri-colored Aussie. Either way, they're impossible to beat in both intelligence and personality.

    The greatest, most loyal, most protective dog I'll ever own was one. He knew exactly what I wanted of him without ever saying a word to him. Simply The Best.


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