
Wednesday, June 02, 2021

K-9s from around Virginia retire early as state prepares to legalize recreational use of marijuana

Asking dogs to follow their noses won’t work anymore in states that have legalized marijuana. 

As Virginia prepares to legalize adult possession of up to an ounce of marijuana on July 1, drug-sniffing police dogs from around the state are being forced into early retirement, following a trend in other states where legalization has led to K-9s being put out to pasture earlier than planned.


  1. The orcs will go back to breaking tail lights with the flashlight.

    Constitutional protections?

    It's just a g-d piece of paper.
    "No Amendment is absolute"

    Justice for just Them.

    Oink oink

  2. I wonder how many will be “retired” on qualification day by the swat (social women and trannys) team while they do house clearing drills

  3. It seems like there would be a market for those dogs in other places where the laws are still strict.

    1. Yes!
      China imports many low quality food products, this bacon flavored dog might be an instant hit!


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