
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Keep your eye on the prize



  1. Replies
    1. The cruelty was in the methods they used to teach that I am sure.

  2. Kind of cruel. I make my dog mind but I wouldn't pull that shit with her.

  3. There is no good reason to do that to a dog.

    ~Unclezip loves dogs

  4. Looks like a drooling democrat waiting for the next increase in taxes.

  5. Yeah, I felt bad for the dog. :(

  6. Shoulda made the treat worth the wait. Like a "hash brown" for instance.

  7. Good doggie. Learning to "stay" can save a dogs life.

    1. My dog would have spent that time figuring out how to throw me the bird with four toes!

  8. I hope that dog was drooling on their bed. Jerks

  9. Chocolate chip or raisin? Not good for a dog.

  10. Dog looks beaten down. Assholes.

  11. Too stupid to know chocolate is bad for dogs.

  12. Cruel and indicative of a twisted level of control. I knew a woman who said that she and her husband had to "get rid of" a new puppy because he was "teaching" the older trained dog to go ahead and eat as soon as the food was put down. Her husband later beat her nearly to death for a whole weekend: broken jaw, two black eyes, etc. Yeah, that looks like a sign to me.

  13. Cruel.......and..........Chocolate is poisonous to dogs............

  14. No chocolate for Dogs! They can't digest it. And the rest of it was just plain mean.

  15. Poor dog I wonder what other stupid shit he/she are forced to do.

  16. That's a well-trained dog!

    No, it isn't torture because they came back in about 30 seconds to release her from the hold.

    1. Very well trained, and they make dog treats that look like chocolate chip cookies. Wh have a local bakery that only sells pet snacks. They all look delicious.

  17. She should be reported to the SPCA or whatever they have in the UK. Chocolate is a dog poison - they cannot tolerate even small amounts. The chemical is Methylxilene I think. Causes vomiting, diarrhea and even heart attacks. Rather than praise the dog she should have called an emergency vet. She needs to be slapped. Hard.

  18. Fucking idiots don't know chocolate will kill a dog?

  19. Humans once again proving that the Dog is morally superior.

  20. Lighten up yall.
    The cookie probably has carob chips in it and was made for dogs.
    And its possible and even easy (for someone with patience) to teach a dog to stay using only positive reinforcement.
    Shes probably still a dumbass and a cunt; just not for reasons shown in the video.

  21. They remind me of people who fake throw the ball and the dog gets frustrated looking for it. You know, assholes.

  22. my Dachshund had that kind of self control right up to the part the door closed.

  23. Or just grow some balls and get a cat!

  24. You won’t read it but ....
    In the agony of death a dog has been known to caress his master,” he says, “and everyone has heard of the dog suffering under vivisection who licked the hand of the operator; this man, unless the operation was fully justified by an increase of our knowledge, or unless he had a heart of stone, must have felt remorse to the last hour of his life.”
    Darwin the descent of man

  25. those two P.O.S. are examples of: the ONLY reason why some people are alive is because it is illegal to shoot them. Worthless assholes.

  26. Nothing wrong with making sure a dog does what you want him to do.
    It WILL (not "may") save his life one day.
    In his book "Training Your Retriever", James Free notes that a dog starts life with the same intelligence as a newborn baby, but it will never progress beyond the intelligence of a five year old child, hence the control it's master must maintain in order to protect it.

  27. Another reminder as to why I would rather disconnect from humanity and live with the wolves.


  28. Dog's thinking, I picture this bitch at the front of a line of 50 male dogs of differing breeds....

  29. If you have a dog to protect either people or property, it should be “poison proofed”. That is taught to not eat anything that you didn’t give them permission to. If someone with bad intentions wants to break in and they know about the dog, the first step is to take the dog out of the picture. I learned this lesson the hard way. Got lucky and either they didn’t dose the dog enough or I caught it early. An infusion of vitamin K saved him. Even after teaching the dogs not to touch food they weren’t told to eat, they knew their food bowl was always ok. It was funny when one of the girls at the pet food store wanted to give the dog a treat and she wouldn’t touch it even after permission unless I took it from them and handed it to her. She just naturally didn’t trust strangers.

  30. All of you whiny little bitches complaining about training the dog are the reason why the circus is all but extinct. Grow the fuck up.


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