
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Kinda late for that, don't you think?

The Food and Drug Administration has added a warning to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine fact sheets that describes a rare but serious heart inflammation problem that's now been attributed to the pharmaceutical companies' COVID-19 vaccines. 

The patient and provider fact sheets were revised Friday to include an increased risk of myocarditis, inflammation of the heart muscle, and pericarditis, inflammation of the tissue surrounding the heart.


  1. "rare but serious heart inflammation problem"

    The always include the word, "rare" ... well the reports keep coming even though this topic is repressed by the leftist media which tells me that this medical phenomenon is not RARE ... IT IS GETTING WORSE AND ANYONE WILLINGLY TAKING THIS CONCOCTION IS VERY OBEDIENT AND VERY DUMB.

  2. Oooh but that's not all the "Covid jab" has in store, beware!

    AND this poor lady...

  3. I’m sure its nothing worry about. I mean, who doesn't trust the government ?

    1. That's all that I need. If Biden says "do it", I'll pass

    2. Trump said to do it too. True fact.

    3. And both of them relied on the same "expert".

    4. Zactly and to many still think he will save us even though most of those people have heard the phrase no one is coming to save you.

  4. Sitting in quarantine in Tokyo right now. Came in with 3 guys who have all their shots. Desk clerk about shit when I told him I was not vaccinated. Guess what? All 4 of us still have to quarantine for 14 days. Shots or no shots. This shit is only going to get worse with time. Once someone gets a little control of others, they don’t want to give it up. Eod1sg Ret

    1. I bet your buddies are pissed as hell at you right now, huh?

  5. speaking only for myself, if I am coerced into accepting the vaccine, and experience adverse effects, well, I cannot sue the fedgov, I cannot sue the vaccine manufacturers, so, I guess, the only one left holding the bag that my attorney will be filling, will be the folks coercing me into accepting it. THAT ought to be fun for them!

    And, since several individuals will have to act in concert to coerce me, that will make them conspirators, and, perhaps, subject to RICO treble damages provisions.

    My wife will be a wealthy woman.

    1. Talked to Attorney's wife. Says her husbands firm has already put together a plan to go after everyone they can for pressuring people into getting the jab. Most are hard core liberals who lined up early, got the jabs before unknowns became known.

  6. Behind closed doors, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has discussed a long list of serious health problems that will be caused by new covid-19 injections. These “adverse events” are not publicized because vaccine companies and their media cohorts need everyone to believe that the vaccines are “safe and effective.”

    Side Effects Include:
    • Strokes
    • Seizures
    • Autoimmune Diseases
    • Tranverse Myelitis
    • Paralysis
    • Negative Pregnancy Outcomes
    • Negative Birth Outcomes
    • Infertility
    • Damages to the Nervous and Immune Systems
    • Inflammatory Syndrome
    • SIDS
    • Death
    ...and more...

    There was a l-a-r-g-e post on TBP about Cv19 and I posted a lot of analysis. That post has now totally gone. I guess it was just too dangerous...
    But I save my work 😊

    Heart inflammation is NOT new. It's been known for years. They've just been caught out now.
    There is no Delta variant. It's the vaxx itself. Avoid vaxxes like the plague for they are one.
    My info comes from the best most qualified rxperienced people out there not the daily news or tinfoilers.
    By the end of this year we will all see.

  7. Not rare.... definitely serious. In fact an episode of myocarditis in a teen generally leads to a LIFETIME of health problems.

  8. Flood of lawyer commercials for friends and family of vaccine victims in 3....2.....1....

    1. Gubmint gave pharmaceutical companies immunity cuz we all gonna die without emergency vaccine. Lawyers, pharmaceuticals, crooked politicians and the Chinese are all in on the royal scam.

  9. No, Ken, it didn’t matter. Everyone coming in has to quarantine. The Olympians, too. This place sure as shit ain’t Texas. Eod1sg Ret

  10. There was a hearing yesterday where several people appeared to tell their story of the devastation wrought on them by the jab. One woman had allowed her teen daughter to participate in one of the early human trials run by Pfizer. This was before the shot had been released for emergency use. This teenager is now severely handicapped. The young lady couldn't walk or even sit up in a wheel chair without being tied into it. She couldn't eat because she lost the ability to swallow. She had a permanent feeding tube installed. She was diagnosed with "anxiety" when in fact she had severe neurological degeneration as a result of taking the shot. The video was up on Gateway Pundit yesterday. It's been taken down. You have to ask yourself why would the video be taken down if it's truthful.

    Here's a portion of the vid showing the young lady

    There were a bunch of other women that testified to devastating side effects many of which are on Zombiedawg's list above, but also include extreme sensitivity to light and sound, body vibrations akin to what happens to a tuning fork, heart palpitations, heart arrhythmia's, migraines so devastating that you want to die, one woman that had been in this group committed suicide. During the video, one of the women, after testifying for about ten minutes, was so exhausted she laid down and went to sleep while others were testifying.

    This drug is POISON. No one can convince me any different.


  11. As you all know I am from germany.
    This is the news about the COVID "vaccines" that I found in respectable (read MSM) newssources just last weekend:
    1) You need a booster shot every 6 month
    2) the two shots are OK for the Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta variant, but for the ETA variant you need booster shot
    3) You dont need booster shots, at least not for at least 6 months. Then we must check if the antibodies made by the "vaccine" are still in your blood.
    4) We must look with every variant if the "vaccine" helps you, if not you eed booster shot.

    So, either the people who made these "vaccines" have gotten their medical degree at a university of Middle America (you know, sent in USD 200 and you are a MD who can cure cancer) or the technology behind mRNA / vector is not understood = dont use it, do research for the next 20 years and then we can say if mRNA / vector can be used for vaccine or not.
    Alex Lund


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