
Monday, June 28, 2021

PsychoChicks - we've all had 'em

JUNE 21--A South Carolina man told cops that his girlfriend of two weeks assaulted him during “an argument over making S’mores” early Saturday morning, according to an incident report. 

Responding to an assault call from a Myrtle Beach residence, police interviewed the couple, both of whom said that they quarreled over the graham cracker/chocolate/marshmallow delicacy.


  1. South Carolina has a substantially lower bar than the rest of the country when it comes to leaping from sane to psycho.

  2. "No marks or bruises... no witnesses to corroborate his story... no arrest."
    Lather, Rinse, Repeat.
    I'm betting she'll take it two steps above the next level. Their next tiff he'll end up missing
    and never be seen again.

    1. If he didn't get rid of her after the first time he deserves a second. Fuck the bitch


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