
Sunday, June 27, 2021

Sunday Video 10



  1. Too perfect. Good luck with the soap buddy ...

  2. If that's one of the antifa-run cities, the folks in the car are going to be in trouble.

    1. Might be Cali. Kind of looks like a CHP uniform on the motorcycle cop.

  3. Law and order baby, yeah!


  4. gee officer I meant to back away quickly

  5. Regardless of who is right and who wrong, laughing at an apparently crazy person -- to his face -- is a stupid thing to do, unless you're deliberately trying to provoke violence.

    If that was nervous laughter, no excuse. Fucking learn how to control yourself. Crazy people (and hyper-touchy people shouting about "re-spek") can't tell nervous laughter from mockery and will respond poorly to either. Laughing at (or around) someone angry is escalation, and it's a dumb thing to do.

    1. Oh, I dunno. I've found that the angrier you can make a person, the more control you have over him during a confrontation. Especially if he is already in a mind to just be angry.

    2. P&L you are so right it is very true they get so mad they lose control!!!!grayman

    3. You are right.
      I’ve also learned to not call crazy people crazy, even when joking around about exploits.
      That’s when the joking abruptly stops.

    4. My mule don’t like people laughing. He gets the crazy idea you’re laughing at him.

    5. Okay two WOMEN laughing at a crazy guy.

      Never met a woman that wasn't crazy.

    6. Don't tell me I can't crazy...evva! Shit man! I've been married to crazy for over 20 years. If I can't gets DARK. Ohio Guy

    7. P&L you're absolutely right. (And it can be hilarious to watch them go off the rails.) But I'm betting that if/when you do it, you're prepared for things to "go rodeo".

      More generally, I just have this thing about people who do things that make a bad situation worse, without having intended to escalate. Second paragraph I wrote above, I was thinking of a guy I know, very decent person and all that (and some kind of science genius I think), who has a nervous laugh that comes out under stress. This is NOT a guy I want at my back because he'll fuck things up and turn a tense situation into a fight without intending to.

  6. Must be pre-Floyd/BLM days. No cop today would bother himself to deal with a mere vagrant harassing a car.

  7. Shoot attackers. That is all.


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