
Sunday, June 13, 2021

Sunday Video 8



  1. What kind of witchcraft is this????

  2. I'm reminded of that movie from the late '70s early '80s 'The gods must be crazy'.

    1. Wow, I thought I was the only westerner who ever saw that movie. I speak of it today and people just give me a funny stare.

    2. There are 2 types of people.
      There's the superior type who LOVE that movie, and the lesser type who HATE that movie.
      There is no middle.

    3. You were too white for coke even in that movie.

    4. The Gods Must Be Crazy Part II is even better than the first one.

    5. [rocketride]

      One of the funniest movies, ever.

    6. Hell no Amahl. With tiks and clicks in my voice

  3. Are we being too judgemental about the reaction of people who are encountering escalators* for the first time? Or is it really obvious how they work and the problem really is that these people are really stupid?

    *We call them escalators in the UK, I suspect that you guys might call them something different.

    1. We call them moving stairs here.
      Just fucking with you, we also call them escalators.

    2. Could be a little of both. I worked with some Asian guys at a steel shop in Seattle decades ago, one of the younger ones "Sammy" would ride to and from work with me and we stopped at a bar one afternoon. He went over the jukebox, stared at it for a bit and then came back to ask me if I could show him how to work it. My first internal thought was the old Eddie Murphy quote...Get the F out of here! but then I realized Sammy had probably never really seen one before and seriously did not know how to use one.
      Many things we take for granted being exposed to technology from birth a lot of the rest of the world has hardly seen little alone use.

    3. Average IQ sub-sahara Africa is 85!

  4. Did joggers ever invent a wheel?

    1. No. That's why joggers run everywhere. ;-)


  5. I was a country boy. Frist time I say an escalator I knew it's purpose. I got on it gingerly but rode it to the top. I was probably six or seven and figured it out. Nope, these people are fuckin stupid.

  6. I was on the escalator at Sears when the power went out. It took the fire department almost 2 hours to get me down.

    1. You from Mississippi?

    2. Steve, didn't they have to rescue you from the back of a pickup truck when the tailgate wouldn't open?

    3. Didn't want to go back to work, eh?

  7. One: "The Gods Must Be Crazy" is the funniest movie I ever saw.

    Two: The escalators work MUCH better in Wakanda.

  8. Back to your mud and stick huts you primitive fucking savages.

  9. The wife-to-be and I went over to SF before we had kids. She likes those highfalutin stores so I meekly went along. Went in to one with about 7 stories and she wants to go to the top. On about level 4, I stepped just a little to far and the toes of my shoes was pushed up when the step went up. Didn't hurt me none so I didn't move. Got to the top of the escalator and the step started down but encountered some resistance from my shoes and the escalator stopped. We climbed the few steps left of what was now as stairs and walked around to get on the escalator for level 5. I was thinking that it was probably me but I keep a straight face and followed her. Did the same thing, and the same thing happened. She was really puzzled by the strange stoppage until she heard me laughing. I was told not to do that anymore and after 30, I wonder if it would still work.

  10. Can you imagine just what in the hell would happen if they get their way and somehow manage to get rid of white males.
    This SOB would look like that space station picture of NORK at night in a month.

    1. Don't have to. They have done that before it was called zimbabwe, rhodesia, uganda etc.

  11. Jesus....even our NAPAs here in the US know how to use the infrastructure.

  12. oh yeah, the cradle of civilization. my ass.

    1. Yea, it's not. Cradle of civilization is probably either the Tigris/Euphrates region of the mid-east, during a time when the river tracks and local climate were very different, or Egypt on the banks of the Med... when that area was filled with northern Africans, with a culture much more akin to the lower middle-east. Little of value has come from middle and southern Africa in about 2 million years... except the Zulu nation, and I'm not sure about that.

    2. No its true, they knew to get the hell outta there.


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