
Thursday, June 17, 2021

Texas Governor signs Constitutional Carry Into Law

The Texas Tribune reported the constitutional carry law will go into effect September 1, 2021, allowing law-abiding residents 21-years-old and older to carry a handgun for self-defense, without first getting a permit from the government. 

U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-El Paso) spoke out against constitutional carry after Abbott signed the bill: 


  1. A mass exodus is expected of Kalifornians going back home. They no longer feel safe living in Texas. YEAH!!!!!!!!

  2. When concealed carry permits were first allowed in Texas, there was great wailing and gnashing of teeth. The "experts" predicted shootouts at High Noon, blood flowing in the gutters, cries that people would be gunned down for reaching for their wallet, and even one politician (guess which party) that recused himself from the vote because he owned a funeral home and it would be a conflict of interest to vote in favor of the bill. The bill was passed, permits were issued, and nothing happened. Years later, open carry was allowed as long as you had a carry permit. Again, there was great wailing and gnashing of teeth. Predictions of people wandering the aisles of grocery and department stores ready to unleash a hail of bullets at any provocation were touted by the pundits. The bill was passed, and again nothing happened. Open carry is so rare as to be non-existent. I've seen one, maybe two people carrying openly in the years since the bill was passed. I expect the same results for constitutional carry. A few will probably try it as a novelty, but that will soon pass. Once the proverbial "tempest in a teacup" passes, things will go back to normal.

    1. I see Open Carry fairly regularly in my small town (maybe 2-3 times a week), but hardly ever in larger towns.
      I also see a lot of 'No Firearms Allowed' signs in larger towns, but with the exception of the courthouse I've yet to run into one here in Lafayette, not even at the bank. The local Cop Shop has a sign saying 'No Concealed Weapons' but it doesn't say shit about Open Carry.

    2. And this at a time where open carry of a face muzzle is considered a badge of honor to the left.

  3. I'm sticking to concealed carry while the cops and 911 operators figure out they don't have to send in SWAT every time someone calls and says they saw a gun. Licensed open carry was already legal and my observation is that most people don't even notice. I saw this old cowboy in a grocery store carrying a Berretta 92 in a pancake holster and the bluing was about 90 percent worn off of that gun. That is sign of somebody you don't want shooting at you.

  4. So if your gun is concealed well aaahhhh who is gunna know? Well unless theres dectectors.
    Liberals scream blood in the streets because (thats what) its coming from their minds. Its the behavior of the left that they are telegraphing here. Us normal folks, meh not so much. We carry for lots of reasons, none are to get blood flowing in the streets. Well aahhh there is that BLM and RedBlock thing going on, oh and my Liberal neighbors, yeah ALL OF THEM, their time is coming.

    TIC TOC Bitches, Tic Toc.

    Saber 7

  5. Nothing will change. Bad guys will continue to indiscriminately shoot people and the good guys will continue to go to the range to practice their self-defense skills.

  6. 21 or older? So the right to vote is okay, but the 2nd amendment kicks in 3 years later? Right. What kind of fuckery is this?

    "The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed... after the voting citizen has reached the age of 21. Until then he can only bear arms if he's drafted/volunteers to risk his life in the military. Because reasons."

    Not the 2A I remember, Texas. Lawsuit when?

  7. I'll step forward and rejoice...when we stop taking two steps back. Ohio Guy

  8. I have my Texas CHL. I will renew it when the time comes.

    1) Can't but help in court.
    2) Here in Texas, no background check, state or federal. Fill out 4473 and leave with gun.

    1. If you're filling out a 4473, then there's a federal background check. That is the sole purpose of that form.

    2. hey K - so no 4473 for Texan's then?

    3. "If you're filling out a 4473, then there's a federal background check."

      Depends on your state. Yes, the info entered on a 4473 CAN also be entered into the NICS system. Here in Texas, a CHL suffices in place of NICS. The CHL is your blanket background check for as long as it valid.

      "That is the sole purpose of that form."

      No, it also provides a record, paper or digital, of the transaction as required by federal regulation.

      "so no 4473 for Texan's then?"

      No. No matter what state you are in, you will have to fill out a 4473, again as required of gun shops by federal regs.

      I was a sole proprietor FFL in California for near 20 years. I know how this shit works.

    4. More Texas info--

  9. A few other pro-gun measures he signed,
    Senate Bill (SB) 19: prohibits state agencies and political subdivisions from contracting with any business that discriminates against firearm businesses or organizations.
    SB 20: requires hotels to allow guests to store their firearms in their rooms.
    SB 550: removes the specific language in state code that handguns must be worn in a “shoulder or belt” holster, allowing individuals to utilize any type of holster.
    House Bill (HB) 957: exempts Texas-made suppressors from federal regulations surrounding the noise-reducing accessories.
    HB 1500: removes the governor’s ability in state code to regulate firearms during a disaster declaration.
    HB 1927: the “constitutional carry” bill that allows nearly all Texans over the age of 21 who can legally possess a handgun to legally carry it in public without a special permit.
    HB 2622: the “Second Amendment sanctuary” bill that prohibits state and local government entities from enforcing certain types of potential federal firearm regulations that are not included in state code.


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