
Friday, June 25, 2021

The shit I post on Facebook






















  1. #7 - I always recommend anyone thinking about buying a home to watch and/or rewatch The Money Pit before signing the dotted line.
    #10 - Only works once maybe twice, so use with care.
    #12 - Yup, true dat.
    #19 - True to a point. There are, however, a lot of lazy Caucasians on the welfare rolls, too. Welfare should have the same time restrictions as unemployment.

  2. 10 is easy, you just have to drive to the nearest grocery store and buy her a birthday card for whatever the next milestone is. If she's 34, buy her a happy 40th and give it to her the next day.

  3. Judy is absolutely spot on with #19. I would add mandatory weekly piss tests and no payment until results are completed. And stop trying to get Ripple and MD 20/20 on your snap card. Just because the shit is allegedly made from grapes doesn't qualify the shit as food.

  4. #7: Double that for single-wide owners

    #10: If you is ugly and fat lady that blood draining from hubby's face ain't going to his dick.

  5. #5, I have been a Ham Radio operator since 1972, so I have known Morse code since I was 12.
    #8, When I worked for a trailer park as a maintenance man, I had to help evict a family from one of the park's homes. The guy was a big time drug dealer, and the wife was apparently a kinky sort. I found a bunch of private home made porno CD's, padded handcuffs and such in the master bedroom.
    In the other end of the place, in one of the kid's room, hidden in a wall, in a hole that was kicked in it, I found over a pound of marijuana, in a bag and a tupperware container. I gave it to the cop that was there watching us unload the place. He told me that they could not prosecute, since the place was no longer under the control of the family, but of the park. I often wonder if it made it to the police station. This was back in 2016, so it was before Michigan's rule to make marijuana legal.
    The worst one was where a guy had died, but had feral cats that he fed. They got the body out within a couple of days, but the place smelled bad. There was a hole in the floor to allow the cats free reign of the place. We put 3 bug bombs in the 12x60 trailer, two days in a row, and still had to wear white plastic suits with hoods, and masks, and you could see the fleas jumping when you walked. I never told my wife about some of the horrific things that I saw there, nor at the foundry that I also worked at. There are some things that women should not know about. My wife worked at my former job, at the foundry, but in the office. Life on the melt shop, where there were people killed, cannot be described with words, much like men who fight in a war could probably adequately describe death of the battlefield, the smells, sights etc. of death. But it haunts you forever. Likely soldiers have it much worse, and they have my respect and thanks.

    1. When I was on a volunteer fire department, we got called out to "assist" the coroner remove two bodies from a trailer in a mobile home park. The husband had been dead about a week but the wife, who was an invalid, lasted a few days longer before dying from dehydration, all the while lying in bed with her husband. Think on that one think. They had a cat, that had been eating on the bodies. You could smell the stench a hundred yards away, and why the neighbors hadn't noticed it sooner, I'll never understand. The coroner, who I had previously thought was a bit too full of himself, refused our help and instead grabbed one of the local Barney Fife's, which raised him up a couple notches in my opinion, inasmuch as they were on the payroll, and we were not.

  6. #16 The only thing he can calculate in his head
    are metrics like grams and half grams !

    1. "...calculating the child support..." yeah, right. that will get paid. Not. Unless he is out to win the award for "the first of his kind..." Blazing Apostle

  7. pulling/ hoping for the weightlifter to win Gold. Then women lib whiners can get fucked and get back to making sandwiches in their bare feet.

    1. Don't ever eat anything prepared by a lib woman. Ever. But especially if they've been given a comeuppance.

    2. Damn Kenny. #13. I'm going to wake up in the middle of the night laughing my ass off thinking about that one. I laughed for 10 fucking minutes and cried almost the entire time.

  8. Going on what I have seen of women's lib whiners, not a lot of them will get f*cked - not by anyone, for any amount of money.

  9. On #12. I have resigned from a few jobs. Every letter was short and sweet with a postscript. The postscript was:

    I make everyone happy. Some when I arrive, some when I leave. I trust I have satisfied everyone now.


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