
Friday, June 25, 2021

Three from Susan Tedeschi

Susan Tedeschi is my hands down all time favorite blues singer/guitarists, somebody I listen to all the time. Hell, I've got one of her CDs in my truck right now. 
Here's 3 good ones from her.

This first one is one that you don't just listen to her sing but you also watch her sing. She's a real powerhouse and it really shows here, starting at about the 1 minute mark and it just keeps getting better.
Be sure to watch the whole video because she really teases you all the way through, making you think she's ending it, then she gets back into it.
It Hurts So Bad  (5:41 minutes)

Another one from the same show.
Just Won't Burn  (5:39 minutes)

And here's a classic with her husband Derek Trucks and also Warren Haynes.
I'd Rather Go Blind  (4:36 minutes)


  1. And she's married to Derrik Trucks. Follow that rabbit hole. I love her music - it's one of the permanent CDs in my truck.

  2. Her and hubby are liberal fu@kyards. Mildfle finger salute to her, both barrels blazing!

  3. Her and hubby are liberal fu@kyards. Mildfle finger salute to her, both barrels blazing!

  4. Her and hubby are liberal fu@kyards. Mildfle finger salute to her, both barrels blazing!

  5. Her and hubby are liberal fu@kyards. Mildfle finger salute to her, both barrels blazing!

    1. One time. You only have to submit your comment one time.

      So is damned near every musician here in the States. So who do you listen to that's not liberal? Tom Metzger's boys' headbanging music?
      Sorry, I listen to music because it appeals to me, not because of the artist's politics.

    2. According to the lib retards, politics is everything.

  6. Susan and Derek are two of the best musicians today

  7. She is a wonderful singer and definitely not hard to look at
    I’ve seen Tedeschi Trucks live a couple times and she never fails to amaze me

  8. Totally agree, she's awesome. My daughter and I saw her in concert years ago, one of the best live shows I've been to.

  9. She's one of the best things to come out of this part of the world (Maskachusetts, as a local radio host calls us). I watched her career progress from the local joints around here. Interestingly, her climb wasn't quite as hard-scrabble as others, since her family owned a chain of variety stores that ultimately sold out to 7-11 for millions. And she is terrific.

    1. And that pissed us off, every one of the new 7-11's is Paki run. Mean, chip on the shoulder Paki's.

  10. Sounds (& looks) like definite shades of Janis Joplin there.

  11. Wow! Thank you Kenny. I was going to work today but you just fucking destroyed my mind. She's not Quite J.J. but the lady DO know how to sing the blues. As for you youngsters out there that missed J.J. in her prime... well... you'll never know.

  12. Susan T. is about the best there is!

    Joe B & Beth Hart do a killer version of "I'd rather go blind"

  13. She is one of my favs as well, but I like Beth Hart more. I would not want to have to choose from the two, since they both are great, although maybe a bit different. And I agree, you sometimes have to ignore politics and simply look at talent. Except for Hanoi Jane, whom I will never even watch on television, just so I can know that there is no way that a dime of mine will find it's way into her pocket.

    1. Beth Hart is total badass, I like her older stuff better but at the rate she was going she wouldn't be here today if she'd kept going. 😎👍

  14. Curtis Salgado.
    Long-timer of Eugene Oregon.
    Performing at Mac's Opera House -- adjacent to the Eww, 'oldest tavern in Oregon' -- during filming of National Lampoon's Animal House in the mid-1970s.
    Inspiration for the Blues Brothers concept.
    Still going strong.

  15. Susan is great. She and Derek make some great music.

    And, while I love slide guitar, I'm just not a huge fan of Derek's guitar playing. No doubt he's very talented, but I just find his style a bit too grating on the ears.

    I'd much rather listen to Sonny Landreth - one of the greatest guitarists alive today.

    Watch Sonny absolutely school Derek here:

  16. Man, our local girl really blew up. I used to bounce at a bar in Rockland MA and she'd sing with her friends on Karaoke night sometimes. 'Sweet Caroline' half the time. Never any trouble when someone sings Sweet Caroline in Boston. The last time I heard her, I had 2 brothers, carpenters arguing in Gaelic and throwing circular saw blades at each other across the bed of their truck like 2 kids in a rock fight.


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