
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Bill Proposes Voter Poll on Legalization, Decriminalization of Medical or Recreational Marijuana in Tennessee

Tennesseans may have the option to weigh in on the legalization or decriminalization of marijuana: medical, recreational, or both. State Representative Bruce Griffey (R-Paris) introduced bill HB 1634 on Wednesday to include a voter opinion poll on the subject within the November 2022 ballot. 

The poll would ask voters if Tennessee should legalize medical marijuana, decriminalize possession of less than one ounce of marijuana, and legalize and regulate commercial sales of recreational marijuana.


Somehow I don't see legalization or even decriminalization happening in my lifetime regardless of what the People want.


  1. I’m 65, never smoked marijuana and have no plans to start.

    Be careful what you wish for. My daughter has had chronic cyclic vomiting syndrome (rare condition) since she was a baby (she’s 29 now). Frequent hospitalization and too many ER visits to count. On her recent ER trip she had to wait for six hours in the local hospital because they triaged her as a pot smoker (she never has). The nurses apologized and explained that since pot was legalized here they have been flooded with patients with similar conditions. Apparently whatever is being sold is way too strong for the new or casual user.

    My little town of 3200 is next to a town with a dispensary. Vehicle break-ins are way up as are home burglaries. This all started when our Commonwealth legalized marijuana. Cause and effect? Maybe. Unforeseen circumstances? Definitely.

    I don’t care if anyone smokes pot, do what you want.

    1. I have the same condition or they are trying to work it out. I get the same BS and I started because of it. I had quit for 10 years(captains license). It's the only thing that helps. Zofran and phenergan do nothing. It is a horrible feeling, nausea like nothing I have ever felt. Spent 12 hours in the ER night before last and they tried to push that on me as well. That has nothing to do with it. If you are open to it a little bit helps. I feel for you'r daughter. It is hard to deal with. No warning and then it's hell. That's the first I have heard of another with the condition. I have been to 4 different specialist.


  2. Im in my early 60s most of us that smoked when we were kids grew out of it by the time we were 20 and went on to lead fruitful and productive lives. The ones that continued smoking almost all went on to be colossal losers. I think the Democrats are well aware that a stoned and unmotivated serf is easier to control than a clear thinking citizen. Before y'all tar and feather me, I know there are right thinking patriots who enjoy their bud but i believe you are the exception to the rule.

    1. You'd be surprised at the number of professional and successful people who smoke that you don't know about.
      Back in the 80s and 90s, I'd say that a good 95% of the people that I sold weed to were solid members of society, and not just blue collar workers, either. I had customers who were doctors and nurses, lawyers, accountants, you name it.

    2. Of course, I know many folks that have smoked pot all their lives with no ill effect. Then there was my best friend in High School. He got a full ride scholarship to Rutgers. Started smoking pot in college, couldn’t handle it. He dropped out after the first year. Last time I saw him he looked like shit, hasn’t held a steady job his whole life. Still smokes pot though.

      Alcohol is worse but many of us still drink. I’m from a family of alcoholics so I keep my drinking to a minimum, don’t want to go that route.

      No intoxicating substance is without risk.

    3. Sure, I've known more than a few that went down that route. I think it has a lot to do with maturity levels - some folks just can't get their priorities straight. Gotta make sure the work is done before the entertainment begins, right?

      And I know what you mean about alcohol. I love to drink, but unfortunately I don't know when to stop so I very rarely drink at all anymore. Again, that maturity thing.

    4. Some folks can’t handle ANY drug.
      They just aren’t wired to put aside the high when it’s time to get shit done.

      Making criminals of everybody who partake in - insert substance here - is just dumb.
      Tip - when you hear the term “alcohol and drugs” - you know you are listening to a moron. ALCOHOL IS A DRUG…and it’s been used for what, 4000 years? Same as weed.

  3. If Tennessee ever does legalize weed, you can be assured they'll make California's over-regulation look like pure anarchy.

    But I'm like you Ken; I don't think the pot laws will ever change in our lifetimes.

  4. Some people celebrate the looming legalization of weed, but, if you have a reliable source I think it best to keep the status quo and keep your mouth shut. Government medling will only make it more expensive.

  5. Of the states which have 'legalized' pot, is there one which has not experienced increases in medical problems, crime, or decrease in productivity?

    1. No.

      And an increase in crime, increase in emergency visits for all sorts of stupid shit like marijuana overdoses (yes, it is a thing.)

      10 seconds after Med Marijuana pops up you'll start seeing little signs, like you see for electoral candidates, advertising 'pot doctors' that you can call and get a phone 'visit' and get a 'prescription.'

      We have med marijuana here in Florida and the motherfuckers openly smoke it in cars, parking lots, gas out whole apartment complexes with that shit. When one of the requirements for 'using' is in your residency (not your car) and not around other people if one is smoking the shit.

      The police would enforce, but the motherfucking prosecutors won't take the damned cases.

  6. But those are also demo-run states-plenty of other reasons for them to be crapholes, besides pot.

    1. Florida's not demo-run, and the 'med pot' shit has fucked up a lot of stuff. It's a fucking nightmare and it's all a damned scam.

    2. That's just bullshit. You have no idea of what you speak brother.


  7. Well the government was the one who made it illegal and I’m sure they had a good reason. I mean they always do right? Trust the science.

    1. Roger that! You can't legislate morality. Shit just doesn't work that way.



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