
Friday, July 16, 2021

Kamala's just a woman who can't say no

The jokes write themselves, given the personal reputation garnered by Kamala Harris, at least at the beginning of her political career. The vice-president has been given some big issues to deal with and her failure to achieve any measure of success is causing some heartburn among Team Biden. Kamala’s response is that maybe she should just start saying no more often. 


  1. I think she needs to laugh more.

  2. Heh. Klamydia has only one thing going for her, and it's worn out.

  3. They're probably setting up kneepads to resign and then fill the open VP position with Hildabeast. After that Senile Joes' head rests but lightly upon his shoulders.

  4. Old kamel toe sucked her way to the top but in reality she just sucks, period

  5. No she can't. Just ask Willie Brown.

  6. A line from an old movie:

    Female Executive to Intern - " I know what they say about me, that I slept my way to the top. Well, I wouldn't be much of an executive if I slept my way to the bottom, would I?"

    A line from another old movie:

    Secretary to nobody, after seeing her boss get fired - "Dammit, all those blowjobs for nothing!"

  7. Kinda hrd to say anything, let alone "no," when your mouth is full!

  8. "Can one person do all that realistically?"

    Even a marginally competent manager knows how to delegate. She seems to be more of a 'I have so much to do but I have no idea where to start or even how any of this works' type.


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