
Friday, July 02, 2021

'What not to say to a cop' video goes viral

My brother-in-law, who spent 20 years in the San Diego Police Department as a cop before retiring to Idaho, said he used to ask for patrol assignments in poor neighborhoods over rich ones. 

"The poor people know the rules," he explained. What he couldn't stand were rich, entitled jackasses from places like La Jolla, giving untold complaints, threats, snowflakery, and rank-pullings, and worse, over their traffic tickets. 

So here's what he was talking about, according to a video posted by the Daily Caller:


  1. She was right, she, as we all do, pay his salary.

    1. And? She pays a portion of the salary to enforce a set of societal laws, which he's doing. To bring that up implies some type of threat or power over him which she doesn't have in this interaction. Complete entitled snowflake whining.

    2. Follow the Law Anonymous, you will just be fine.

    3. BillDave, the cop also pays for his salary in taxes just like the entitled bitch!!!!grayman

    4. Sorry, Anon, government employees do not pay taxes unless they also have a productive employment that pays more in taxes than they make as government employees. All government employees do is return a portion of the wealth they have stolen from the productive back to the government.

      If a citizen does not have power over the government employee, then the relationship has been warped and we would be better off scrapping it all and starting over.

    5. They do have's a representative democracy...just most peopledon't understand that

    6. "it's a representative democracy"

      lolz. How did that turn out recently?

      It's not who pays their salary, it's who writes those checks that matter.

  2. Any time any cock gobbler starts out saying”…as a …” anything, you know you’re about to hear some utter bullshit.

    1. Zoomie! How the hell have you been, man? I haven't heard from you in a long time!

  3. Obnoxious bitches should have taken Chris Rock's advice: "How not to get your ass kicked by the police".

    1. I was just about to put that link in when I saw your post

  4. When getting stopped by The Man, the best way to get off with a warning instead of an expensive citation is to greet him by saying "Hello, Officer Douchebag!"

    ...figured nobody with a functioning brain cell, ever.

  5. Everything I ever needed to know about 'what not to say to a cop' I learned watching 'COPS' on TV.

  6. Yeah, that part where she got out of the car, knocked him down and starting carving his liver out with a bottlecap was way over the line.

    Oh, wait, wrong video. All I saw was some entitled chick exercising her right to be a verbal asshole, after first apologizing for blocking traffic. Widdle coppy get his feelz hurt? Write the damned ticket and send her on her way, then don't sniffle about hearing words.

    Approval-seeking snowflakes with badges.

  7. If possible, find a suitable pull off spot that enables the officer to approach your vehicle without being overly exposed to overtaking traffic. Keep hands on steering wheel as he approaches and once he requests it, inform him that you will have to reach behind to retrieve your wallet containing your DL, or reach into the glove box to retrieve registration and proof of insurance. The idea is to get him to relax and develop some sense of trust in what you are doing, removing any suspicions on his part of possible nefarious intent. The more relaxed he is, the better your chances of getting a warning and not a citation. “Yes, sir” and “No, sir” always helps as well. And yes, Chris Rock’s video is informative. Those two twats in the videos deserved the citations by officer Connor. Too bad he couldn’t have just slapped the shit out of them; if he had done so, wouldn’t be anything left but sunglasses and crocs.

    1. Shit, I used to stop the truck, turn off the ignition and flip my keys up on top of the truck. It did wonders for the cop's attitude.
      Was I sucking ass for doing it? Yeah, but the way I looked - beard, long hair, tattooed - I was very searchable and who's got time for that shit?

  8. My father taught me the same thing he learned, yes sir no sir 3 bags full sir! He learned it as career Air Force and taught me before i left for the Marines, it has served me well in the military and dealing with cops!!! grayman

  9. My uncle, who was born in Idaho, lived in San Diego after getting out of the Navy. He became a San Diego cop until some drunk chick ran a red light and T-boned him, causing his retirement. He became a teacher, then after retiring from that, moved back to Idaho.

  10. My cousin Dave is a cop in Westchester County, NY and he echoed the same thing. The ghetto dwellers may yell a bit initially, but they know ultimately they're going to comply. People with money on the other hand......... a completely different story.
    He once told me about an incident where he stopped a guy for running a red light right in front of him and he proceeded to stop the car, only to find out that the NYPD was looking for the driver for assault with a deadly weapon. He calls for backup and after they arrive, they're taking the guy out of the car and some rich moron stops and asks them for directions. Now I don't know about you, but if I were in that situation and I saw half a dozen guys taking someone out of a car at gun point, I'd move on, but no, not this guy.
    My cousin told me that after being asked to leave, said guy got louder until one of his partners said something along the lines of, "Hey asshole, don't you see what we're doing here?" and the guy demanded everyone's name and shield #, which by law they have to provide. Anyway, before the guy left he told my cousin's partner about how he managed hundreds of millions of dollars for a living and that that the reason they had a police job is because they're all too stupid the have real jobs, but the thing that offended this guy the most was that they were civil servants a.k.a. the help. And the help NEVER talks back, not to people like him. Again, he told me that people with money are the worst to deal with because they honestly believe that things like rules do not apply to them.

    1. Why would cops ever think their charter is anything other than to "protect and serve" rich elites? The early police forces (Boston, for example, and they are called "forces" for a reason) were started in the early industrial period to supplant the early watchmen (a form of rotating militia duty). The watchmen (militia) were harder to corrupt and get to turn a blind eye to the increasingly harder lives of their peers at the hands of the elites. A professional standing army police force, corrupt by definition as their pay and benefits could be tapped from the bottomless reservoir of public funds, was necessary to prevent upticks in tar and feather sales.

      Anything to the contrary is just marketing. The only way forward to unwind the "us versus them" mentality and systemic corruption is to replace them all with rotating militia watch duty.

  11. Why would anyone trust a cop ? The courts have ruled time and time again that the police have No Duty to "Protect and serve " its just false advertising . Don't argue , be polite but don't trust anything a cop tells you and don't tell them anything ever.

  12. Not all "poor" people know (or care about) the rules. I happened to catch a tiktok video the other day of a guy pulled over in a really trashy looking neighborhood almost SCREAMING "why you pointing that gun at me?" over and over because he apparently felt emboldened by his smartphone camera.

    All that came to mind is the reason white people don't get shot as much (relatively speaking) by the police is because when we behave with basic decency and common courtesy when interacting with law enforcement, and politely comply with simple basic requests, the situation tends to not escalate.

    I will say this: if you're pulled over, SHUT THE FUCK UP. The less you say the better, and for the love of God NEVER NEVER EVER consent to any type of search. "I do not consent to any searches." The search might happen anyway, but you not consenting might matter down the line.

    1. . . . and if worse comes to worse, and you should be arrested, answer ***no questions*** until your legal counsel is present. Period. Also, by this time everyone should be aware that one never answers questions posed by the FBI. I wouldn’t even volunteer that there are 24 hours in a day to an FBI agent.


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