
Monday, August 23, 2021

10 dead, around 40 missing after flooding in Humphreys County

HUMPHREYS COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) – Authorities in Humphreys County say multiple people have died and others are still missing after severe flooding Saturday.


Holy shit.
I was busy all this weekend and didn't even realize there was any flooding or even hard rainfalls until I woke up Sunday morning and saw an email from William who was worried about us.
Our rainfall here in Macon County for Friday and Saturday was all of .04 and .05 inches, bringing our monthly totals up to a whopping 1.33 inches which is actually pretty fucking dry for around here.


  1. The first thing I did when I saw the news was look up where Humphreys County was. Then I figured you were safe.
    Yeah, it's a mess down there. I guess it happened pretty fast. Prayers for those folks.

    1. Same here Ken - it was south of you correct? and like Bogside said below Haywood got nailed and we only got a couple of thunder showers

    2. About 100-150 miles to the SW of us. We got some rolling thunder and a dash of rain, but that was about it.

  2. Yes, we have been fielding calls from friends and family. I am like, what the hell are they talking about, anyways? Thanks for the heads up.

    1. I'm still getting emails.
      We got just enough rain to wet the roads.

  3. Just down the road in Haywood County, NC they got nailed by heavy floods last Tuesday.

  4. Irish has a short vid of a house floating down a bloated creek. A commenter was worried that you might be affected by the rains. Glad to hear you're all good. Ohio Guy

  5. When I first read the news and the loss of life and property, I thought of you Mr. Lane and hoped all was AOK. That was some crazy amounts of rain.

  6. Did a wally world run Sunday, checked out down town. It's as bad as hurricane/tidal surge level destruction, only with the surge going 50 plus mph. destroyed houses, sheds, cars, trucks, debris packed into tree/fence blockage areas. about 3 miles of highway chain link fence stripped off the bent over poles and left in rolled or wadded up piles of chain link. Devastating to our little town of 5ish thousand. I live safely on a hill 12 miles south of town. I predict this won't be fixed before TPTB crash the system.

  7. Drove right through the middle of that crap on I-40 around 8 AM. 40 miles of 40 mph on the interstate, pouring like hell. This after fleeing flooding from the remnants of Fred in Oneida county NY two days before. Glad to be home in TX.


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