
Friday, August 27, 2021

A Face of War (1968) – USMC, Vietnam War

Heralded by The New York Times as “one of the great Vietnam documentaries,” this film follows Mike Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Marines, through the summer and fall of 1966 as they operated in Bình Sơn District during the Vietnam War. Half of Mike Company, including the filmmaker, had been wounded at least once by the time filming ended.

VIDEO HERE (1hour, 19 minutes)



  1. Kenny, thank you for posting this, I was a Rifleman with Mike 3/7 at that time, it was filmed south of Chu Lai between August and October of 1966 but was not out until 68.

  2. Kenny, thanks for posting this video, I was an rifleman with Mike 3/7 at the time this was filmed.

  3. Upon arrival in Danang in July '66, we formed up in a column. An NCO when down the line tapping each upon the shoulder and saying; 1st Division or 3rd Division. Come sunrise 1st Division guys were off to Chu Lai - "Chu Lai in July". I was off to nearby Hill 55. Before departure, we had chow at the local mess hall. Exiting the chow-line I heard for the first time "Good Morning Vietnam". Somewhat simultaneously I observed an old Mama-san picking through a GI can and loading up choice pieces into a Viet multi-tiered lunch bucket.

  4. Long time ago. I never got there until 68. I was in Arizona Territory, I Corp. 3/1 India. I too was a rifleman. A glorified grunt 0351. I carried the C-4 and blew up stuff. Later was squad leader of a rocket squad. We didn't carry 3.5's like in the film. We had the LAW.

  5. Semper Fi, Huey driver 1971-1994, not sorry I missed the jungle, proud of the Marines who didn't.

    1. Right proud our you fellas too. Say a few of you come down. No need for detail. Never did get on a Huey. I rode the 46's. If you will accept this as humor. I loved to see y'all come but hated ta see ya go! Thanks for the back up.

  6. By the Bye that's where Bright Eyes came from. Raised in the mountains by hunters. In Nam, I had sharp eyes in that Jungle. Pretty good shot too. Hence, the name.


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