
Monday, August 23, 2021

America's Taliban

We are a nation captured from within. We are, in essence, taken over by America's Taliban, the communists, a small group of aggressive and angry people opposed to every freedom, every ounce of liberty once held in such reverence in America. With bluster and violence, they achieve their goals, because, those of us who believe in the republic, in the rule of law, in the sanctity of elections, are, like the Afghan soldiers, melting before the onslaught. 


  1. Preaching to the choir, we've rehashed this over and over again. Nothing short of an uprising by the majority will right this ship in most of our lifetimes. Unfortunately the majority has been subjected into Karens, snitches and fucking drama queens.

  2. It is a problem that the productive people are too busy being productive and providing for themselves and their families to be getting involved in things like political activism. The activists tend to be the champagne socialists supported by rich parents or the welfare parasites with no job and plenty of time on their hands. The solution as I see it is that you should have to be a positive contributor, a tax payer, before you can vote.

    1. Before the 19th, you had to be a Man, meaning you had to be male, married, and a land owner.

  3. " Melting before the onslaught." I hope I am wrong but today I read the Taliban refused to extend the evacuation date of Aug 31st. Y'all realize the next day is 9/1, not 9/11 but close enough. 9/11 is damn near a holy day to those people. I wrote this to some friends this morning and said that I fear of a slaughter starting at midnight 9/1. I hope and pray I am wrong. I fear for our incredible outnumbered troops still there.

  4. As a student in the class of “76”, I never dreamed the death of this Republic would be in my lifetime. My History and English teachers were telling us to be vigilant, as they saw this evil approaching. We were to busy smoking pot and partying to notice the creep of government. I’m a blessed man as a small business owner of 32 years. But all I see now is the government latching itself to everything we do. I wish I was better at explaining what I see happening, but it appears to be a end to Freedom. I’m weary but I’m somewhat ready for the big shoe to drop. And it’s gonna be bad..

  5. George Bush's CIA Director calls us the American Taliban -

  6. @Stonyground August 23, 2021 at 1:47 PM

    > The solution as I see it is that you should have to be a positive contributor, a tax payer, before you can vote.


    1. Last guy I know of who cast a vote that mattered was Lee Harvey Oswald, and look what happened to him.

    2. I don't know. When it comes to votes that count I think Sirhan Sirhan had a shot.

  7. "America's Taliban"?

    What a maroon!

    It was United States an heroes that put shrieking lesbians in charge of Afghanistan's government institutions. It was United States an heroes that put open air pederasty on every street corner. It was United States an heroes that brought The Republic(TM), The Rule Of Law(TM), The Sanctimony Of Fake Elections(TM) (as in, just like the United States).

    If we had an American Taliban, shoot if we had an Afghan Taliban, there'd be one less fallen domino of international communism. But that'd be unpatriotic.


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