
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Anti-gun Lobby Push Biden to Lean On Senators for Chipman Confirmation

U.S.A. –-( Politico is reporting that “gun violence survivors and activists are going public with their long-simmering private frustrations, saying President Joe Biden could have done more” to push for confirmation of gun control advocate David Chipman as head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives as opposition to the nominee increases. 


  1. I suspect that pResident* will lay low on this and any other matters that require the demonstration of fortitude. This Afghanistan debacle has blown up in his puppet masters' face.

  2. I don't think Biden has much push right now..

  3. Apparently it's perfectly OK to be a racist jackwagon if you carry enough of the anti 2A crowd's water...

    NO SALE! This means you Soros & Bloomberg! You just don't have enough money to shove this punk down our throats.

  4. I don’t think 46* has the capitol to push too hard right now.

  5. Doesn't matter - after seeing what's happening in Aus & Afg, no one in their right minds would obey any further restrictions 2nd amendment RIGHTS.
    Fuck crapman or whoever-our line in the sand means something

  6. Ashly Babbit was unavailable for comment.

  7. When this POS gets confirmed we are in for a hell of a ride. The RIONS, republicans, conservatives will cave like they always have. Fuck them. Like I have said we need a new coin, these parties are the same coin just different sides of it.

    Forget where I saw this quote.
    “drop a neutron bomb on DC when they are all there, fuck um.”

    Saber 7


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