
Tuesday, August 03, 2021

Biden gun grab hit for ‘absurd fines,' 'government overreach,' and punishing vets

The Biden administration’s first major gun control effort is under fire for punishing veterans, imposing high fines unaffordable to underprivileged people, and “government overreach.” 

With a September deadline looming, several veterans and GOP leaders called on gun advocates on Tuesday to urge the administration to drop its plan aimed at AR-15-style “pistols” fitted with braces that make the firearms easier to shoot, especially for the disabled.


  1. Sometimes I think the gun industry shoots itself in the foot by coming up with ways to make firearms that aren't really intended for the cartridge or firearm platform, the AR pistol being one of them.


    1. Engineers determine whether a particular cartridge/platform combination is safe, accurate and effective. Consumers determine whether that combination is profitable. The gun industry will manufacture, market and sell the profitable combination. How many AR-platform pistols have been sold? I have no idea and neither do you. I would guess the number is in the multi-millions. If that results in a foot wound, the gun industry will comfortably ride to the emergency room in their Bentleys.

  2. originally I thought the braces were stupid or a dodge on SBR regs. BUT as my arthritis has progressed my opinion changed. so yea, as a vet, a physically limited shooter and nowdays lower middle income citizen... joey and his butt clowns can kiss my ass. there will be constant shit coming they're way over this

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just because his plan is "under fire" doesn't mean they won't impose it. The left simply DOES NOT CARE what us peons think, believe or want. They face ZERO consequences for their crimes, abuses and assaults on freedom. Until that reality changes they have NO INTENTION of stopping their war on freedom.

    1. And it's not like the Right ever really mounts successful defenses of any rights, either. It's a rigged game.

  5. If I had an AR pistol I would break it down and put it in the smallest water tight case I could find. Then I would store it in a remote location until this crap blows over.

  6. You could just not install a SB on your pistol, and ignore this whole non-issue.


    1. Then it's considered a short barreled rifle and has to be registered with the ATF. You can't even take it to the range without risk of arrest and doing Federal time.

    2. Huh?
      Alberto is talking about NOT putting a brace on a pistol.
      How does that translate into an SBR? It’s a pistol.

    3. Kenny, I’m not understanding this comment.
      Alberto talked about NOT installing a brace on a pistol.
      How does this fall under SBR rules???
      A lower that started “life” as a pistol will NOT magically become a SBR. It’s a different weapon from the get go.

    4. I assumed he was talking about installing a stock instead. But it makes no difference whatsoever - with ATF's current proposal, they take into consideration the OAL and the length of the buffer tube alone causes every one to be disqualified as a pistol.

      Anon #2: Yes. Yes it does. You absolutely cannot install a stock on a pistol that once had a brace. If you do, it goes from being an AR pistol to a SBR just like magic.

  7. Free Men don't ask permission. I long ago withdrew my consent to be ruled by lairs and thieves.
    Doesn't matter what they say or do - I will do as I damn well please. I'm too old and been thru too much to worry about it.
    If I'm ever confronted by govt goons there will be an up close and personal exchange of opinions. It won't be my first rodeo.
    Once again - Free Men don't ask permission.
    Best Regards,
    Red in OleVirginny


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