
Friday, August 20, 2021

"Fuck it, I'm headed to Popeye's"

BALTIMORE — A Baltimore restaurant is taking the city's indoor mask mandate one step further and is requiring customers to bring proof of COVID-19 vaccination in order to enter. 

The policy is plastered on the front door of Silver Queen Cafe — customers ages 12 and up only get in if they have proof they're fully vaccinated.


  1. Oh, he's gonna lose his business all right. This kind of shit I would never forget. There's plenty of fish in the sea...

    1. There's also plenty of kerosene and road flares. Just sayin'.

  2. Will they provide medical reports of all their employees ?
    Just wondering how many of them have communicable diseases like hepatitis herpes HIV etc

  3. catherineedwards. grand illusion

  4. They’re pulling this crap all over Seattle. I’ll never set foot again in any business pulling this bs.

  5. Hi, table for two, please.

    Sure, and your name.


    Great. And do you and your guest have your vaccination cards?

    We do....Can you tell us who our server will be?

    Um, looks like Brad will be your server tonight.

    Great. Can you show us Brad's vaccination card?


    And also, can you provide me with proof that Brad is not a carrier of HIV, Hepatitis A or B, or any other communicable diseases?


    Also, we would prefer not to be served by someone who is on or uses recreational drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, meth, fentanyl, etc, so if you could provide us with Brad's most recent tox screen, that would be great.

    Um... Let me get the manager for you.

    That would be great, thanks.

  6. be terrible just terrible if the trucks stopped coming to that restaurant. for whatever reason.

  7. Any shop or restaurant that tries this crap would lose my business permanently, I would never darken their door again, ever.

  8. [rocketride]

    I don't care how good your food is, I can get as good from someone who isn't a complete twat-- and I can keep getting from them after you come to your senses (assuming you ever do). Bye, Felicia.

  9. If at some point ALL restaurants begin to require proof of vax before they serve you, I for one, as much as I enjoy eating out, can survive just fine never eating in a restaurant again.....

    Tim in AK

  10. I admit that I don't care about the "vaccines" one way or the other. What I do worry about is the full on fascism that is taking place.

    I remember in high school history class where we asked how could good Germans go along with the National Socialists Workers Party. Living in Germany in the 30s, would you have spotted when to resist? How would you have resisted?

    I think these questions are more important today than they have been in the history of our republic.

    1. As someone who had family there at the time:

      "I remember in high school history class where we asked how could good Germans go along with the National Socialists Workers Party."
      Because, during the period in question, the only viable alternative was an even nastier communist party. People have been conditioned to forget that.

      "Living in Germany in the 30s, would you have spotted when to resist?"
      In the '30s, they seemed like pretty good guys. People had work and food again. Most of the really nasty stuff came later.

      "How would you have resisted?"
      Ineffectively, like everyone else who tried it.

  11. Sooner or later, that will be everywhere.

  12. Separate facilities for right & left is really what the mask mandates are.

  13. Just came back from a weekend in Vermont (Waterbury). The first restaurant we went to asked for proof of vaccine and received a middle finger in response. No other place we went to troubled us, so I'm not sure what that portends. BTW: excellent gun store up there: Parros. Not saying that I made a couple of purchases, but anyway...


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