
Monday, August 16, 2021

Good Morning



  1. I wish I could be that happy. These days not so much.

    1. To make sure that nobody notices I smile behind my face mask.

  2. Dance like everyone is watching. Cuz we are. Cool dog. As a kid I had a Husky named Dusty. Good dog.

  3. [rocketride]

    Happy doggies.
    My wife and I got our dog fix this weekend, visiting friends who have a pair of rambunctious young'uns. They've had an even worse 2021 than 2020-- on January 3rd. their husband/father was killed by a drunk and drugged driver. Another friend (a priest) came in from Italy to visit so we went, to see them and him. Just as well, because the shitbag is getting sentenced today and our friends needed to gird their loins over the weekend.

  4. Lucy, my Border Collie grandpuppy, is having a bad day today. Oldest grandson is driving to school, and bringing his younger brother. So for the first time in ten years, she doesn't get to see them off to school.


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