
Wednesday, August 04, 2021

Looks like San Francisco's homeless problem is about to get even worse

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti recently signed into law an ordinance that criminalizes homelessness in most parts of the city, a motion that has drawn just as much fierce support by some as it has opposition by others. 

The law specifies certain times and locations where it will be 'unlawful for a person to sit, lie, or sleep, or to store, use, maintain, or place personal property in the public right-of-way'. 

The ordinance, which will go into effect 30 days from last Thursday, makes it illegal to sit, lie, sleep, or set up encampments within 500 feet from 'sensitive use' properties, which include schools, parks, libraries, overpasses, underpasses, freeway ramps, tunnels, bridges, pedestrian bridges, subways, washes, spreading grounds and active railways.


The only thing that's going to happen for sure is the homeless population will just move on to greener pastures.
I saw it time and time again when I was doing advocacy work for the homeless 20 years ago. They'll do actual research at the library or someplace else with free computer usage to find out which cities had more services and less restrictive laws, and they'll pick up and move there.


  1. "within 500 feet from 'sensitive use' properties, which include schools, parks, libraries, overpasses, underpasses, freeway ramps, tunnels, bridges, pedestrian bridges, subways, washes, spreading grounds and active railways."

    Isn't that pretty much the whole city?

    1. Don't see anything about restrictions on residences or suburban areas...

      My read is he is pushing the homeless onto private properties.


  2. Jails across the country are full. Cities are broke will not want the food bill for it. Nothings going to happen

    1. Eugene, Oregon.
      Lane County jail -- used by all municipalities in the area -- is nearly empty.
      99.9999% of criminals are released before the paperwork is complete.
      I personally know LawEnforcementOfficials quitting because of the hopelessness of the situation.
      I blame the lack of gallows in front of the courthouse.

  3. I lived in a southern california town that had a homeless shelter. Las Vegas would round up homeless people, give them $50 and a one way Greyhound ticket

  4. Yes, San Fran will get worse, and Chico will be overrun.

    1. Aw, come on, there's room at Commanche Creek since a couple of 'em got stabbed just recently, didn't they?

  5. They’re not homeless,

    1. Bums, all societal filters removed by drugs (including the drug called 'alcohol').
      Bums, encouraged to stay stuck by do-gooders in government and NGOs such as Eugene Mission and Feed The Hungry.
      I and mine live on an 'island' surrounded by parasites sucking the life out of us.
      If this continues, the host dies.
      The decision:
      * eliminate the parasites, or
      * continue this cultural suicide
      Who do I count among the parasites?
      Anybody related to anybody named 'soros', 'pelosi', etcetera, plus anybody incapable of contributing to a healthy community.
      Building is tough, building builds tough folk.
      Destruction is easy.

  6. Just tell them to move to Mexico: plenty of empty houses there.

  7. The saga will continue.....

  8. Sam Kinison had the perfect solution to the homeless problem…

  9. What about getting a a water truck, filling it with gasoline, troll through the homeless encampment with the valve or sprayer turned on and at the end of it, light a road flare and drop it? Drive out of there to the next camp site. Do that to few places and show them they are not welcome. Savage? Yes, but hard times necessitate hard solutions.

  10. Somebody must have crapped in his driveway.
    Literally or figuratively.

  11. Replies
    1. They are tearing down a parking deck to build a homeless shelter near 3rd St. Promenade, so that should go over well. The local homeless have also started demanding food/money from businesses, or they will shit in their doorways.

      Glad to be leaving here in a month.

  12. My brother is 'homeless'. I've offered him a place to stay but it's out in the 'sticks' and he says it's boring here. He's come here I don't know how many times saying he's going to clean up and stop his crap. I no longer have any sympathy for him. So he can hang out in San Antonio, do his drugs, not have to work, and beg for money. He says he gets enough donations from people to enjoy his lifestyle. Talking to him it appears most of the homeless MFs are just plain lowlife drug addicts. Fuck em. When I see people with the 'please help I'm hungry' sign I tell them to fuck off nowadays.

  13. We all have bad homeless stories. I have had the same fat black woman with her "homeless and pregnant' sign at the local highway off ramp near my homeL for about 6 years now. Bitch is in her 21st trimester, and only appears in FL in the winter and spring, like the baseball Spring Training teams. I'm not sure where she spends her summers up north.
    There's also a pretty rugged-looking kid with severe Schizophrenia under the local overpass close by where we dock our oil barges in NY. He's been there for about a year now, talking to himself constantly, debating, arguing at times. My guess is that the kid isn't with it enough to get help, but is conscious enough to refuse it, which is exactly the sort of person who needs help, along with the drunks and addicts who actually legit want an opportunity for a fresh start.

  14. WPA back during the depression. Built a lot of park infrastructure and taught a good many a trade.

  15. We operate a small organic teaching farm near the outskirts of Eugene, Oregon.
    The area is infested with vermin, squatters in warehouse-pallet hovels covered in blue tarps.
    After dark, anybody on a bicycle with a trailer is a criminal.
    Arrested and identified by their victims, criminals are released within minutes of arrest.
    I personally know victims of violence... intimidated into dropping all charges, in fear of retaliation.
    I owned a restaurant business for ten years, so I volunteered in the kitchen at the Eugene Mission.
    During the years of my involvement, I saw the same faces... ravaged by drugs (including the drug called 'alcohol').
    Nobody was encouraged to a better place, everybody was treading water, staying in a 'comfortable head-space'.
    About eight years ago, the chinese introduced their lab-produced drug 'fentanyl', genetically-created to be impossible to kick.
    The latins reverse-engineered the stuff, it is everyplace, 'too cheap to meter'.
    I do not pretend to know any answers.
    Based on my seven decades:
    * It sure seems like a major die-off is in the works.
    If the government agents refuse to protect their tax-payers, why have government?


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