
Friday, August 13, 2021


UPS just delivered packages a few minutes ago.
I was sitting here scheduling Sunday's posts and I heard a horn honk. I got up, fought my way past that asshole dog Jack who was trying to break down the back door and went outside to see what was up, and the UPS driver was just getting out of the cab with my packages in hand.
"Hey, how ya doing? You must know about the dog if you honked."
She rolled her eyes and said "Oh yeah. We all know about him."
That's my boy.


  1. "We all know about him."

    I wonder if they know that it may be a little brown truck that helped to create the monster they all now fear.

  2. Good boy, he deserves a good back scratch for that

    1. Agreed with a extra chew toy or something.

  3. If they all commiserate about the dog, makes you wonder what they have to say about the humans...


  4. Ha! A couple of decades ago, the UPS driver had a package to deliver to my folks who lived out in the country. He put the package on the porch, and turned around to come face to face with their very large German Shepherd, who held him there on the porch until someone came home from town. Did not make his day.

    1. My brothers German Shepherds caught the meter man in my parents basement. Only happened once. No injuries
      Paul J

    2. When I was little we had a Great Dane. She grew up around babies so she was even more mean and protective than Great Danes usually are. The water meter reader just waltzed into the house and down into the basement to read the meter. Needless to say it wasn't so easy leaving.

      Fortunately my dad heard his terrified screams and nothing came of it, but they always knocked after that day.

      Being a modern person in a city plagued with homeless meth heads, my doors are locked 24/7 and if I'm not expecting you I'm probably not even answering the door. Crazy how times have changed.

  5. Like that dog Jack; glad he's yours and not mine, though.

    How's little Lucy coming along?

    1. Shit. I was going to do an update on here yesterday.
      Lucy's doing great, even better than she as before she started having seizures. Thanks for asking.

  6. Neighbor across the road has a dog, Tux, who must be related to your Jack. The complaints from drivers of UPS and FEDEX, and the mail lady are all the same.

    Tux is asshole.

    Many of their packages get dropped in the drive. Heh.

    1. I use package tracking tools pretty heavily and know what days my packages are coming and the regular delivery times, so Jack now stays inside when they're due.
      Kim, one the people that delivers my mail, won't even get out of her jeep. She'll honk a couple times if both trucks are here, but if there's only one truck or if I don't come out after a couple honks, she'll drop a card in the mailbox to pick up my package at the post office.

  7. I miss mine, she was an all around alarm clock, gate alarm, and security system. Not sure how to add picture to post. Had to bring out the vet last Monday. She was ready.

  8. May I borrow That Asshole Jack for when Bidet's Vaccine Stormtroopers come to my neighborhood? Here's a hint to make more money: rent him out to folks for their BVS day.

  9. You’re a good man for having nurtured Jack, and I’m happy to hear LL is better too.


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