
Friday, August 06, 2021

Oh, hell no - anything but that

Alcohol sales rose dramatically during the coronavirus pandemic as some relieved stress with an adult beverage. But now, that could change as liquor shortages are metastasizing across parts of the U.S. 


  1. Time for a little corn, sugar and yeast. Throw in a 5 gallon copper pot and a crawfish boil burner, problem solved

  2. Shit paper and bourbon. 2 items that make life bearable. Better stock up now for the Holidays.

  3. A few months ago there was a shortage of aluminum cans for beer.
    I could see a long term shortage for liquor that has to be aged since it'll take x amount of months or years to resupply. Unaged stuff like vodka should be able to be ramped up quicker. As long as it isn't turned into hand sanitizer.

  4. Metastazizizin?
    Is saying that word a sobriety test?
    I just failed.
    Look, even during Prhibition, folks still got their refreshment.
    I call bullshit.

  5. No one said there was a potato shortage!
    Have I missed something?!?

    1. Potato shortage? Better fire up Ellis Island for the next wave of Irish immigrants!

    2. We can make vodka, french fries and chips.

      It's like all the other vegetables aren't even trying.


  6. Anyone ever made watermelon wine? Someone told me that if you find a sandpit in the sun and bury a watermelon in it and leave it for two weeks it will turn. Never tried it though.


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