
Friday, August 13, 2021

Oregon Governor signs new law allowing students to graduate without proving they can read, write, or do math

An Oregon high school diploma does not guarantee that students who earned it can read, write or do math at a high school level. 

Governor Kate Brown dropped the requirement that students demonstrate they have achieved those essential skills by signing Senate Bill 744 into law. She declined again Friday to comment on why she supported suspending the proficiency requirements, reported OregonLive. 


  1. This will make an Oregon high school diploma worthless.

  2. Nothing shows your racism like low expectations of the "lesser races", damn Democrat Nazi.

    1. Did you mean to write "demonrat"?

      At this juncture, would "one people, one nation, one leader" be better or worse than a diverse open-door continent-wide shopping mall with controllers from dog-catcher to executive chief run by anarcho-tyranny?

      Damn, there goes my dash quota for the day...

  3. These will be the engineers building bridges and dams, the surgeons doing your open heart operation, the designers creating the spaceships of the future. In other words these will be the incompetent idiots who destroy Western Civilization.

    1. only if the requirement for a degree to get an engineering license or MD is recinded... not one of those kids will be eligable for admission for OU.

  4. So they're admitting that minorities don't have the mental capacity to learn? CNF

  5. If you can't read or write, how can you apply for welfare?
    I bet you democrats will soon start auto-enroll at birth.

  6. My daughter has a PhD in literacy education. I'd suggest that Oregon is not fertile job market for someone with her skills.

  7. "This will make an Oregon high school diploma worthless."

    It certainly will. That means that there is a market for some kind of examination and certification for students who do make the grade but have the same worthless diploma.

  8. @Steady SteveAugust 13, 2021 at 6:49 PM

    > This will make an Oregon high school diploma worthless.

    Oh, yeah. *This* is what makes and Oregon diploma worthless.

  9. really?! the college kid at the hamburger joint can't figure change either. . . . . what else is new?

  10. Typical democrat politician: Pandering to the parasites of the teacher's unions.

  11. They've gotta hide their failure somewhere.

  12. WOW, a governor more stupid that Laura Kelly in Kansas.

  13. The K-12 years only merit a participation trophy now.

  14. ".....suspending the reading, writing and math proficiency requirements will benefit "Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of colour."

    Nothing like admitting all those listed ain't got what it takes intellectually to make it in the modern world. Watch the "raciss" lawsuits fly.

  15. So with this outcome they'll be looking at an entire generation that cannot identify any numbers, cannot spell their name, cannot read even porter coming down from gubmint. A generation that is completely unable to function and must be taken care of, cause it's clear they won't know how to do it themselves. Then when the res of us that actually pay the bills of these leaches die off, they'll be looking at the "Great Die Off". And there you have it, the globalists main objective to eliminating the population. Everything to return to nature, weeds and insects, cause God only knows there will be plenty of carcasses to feast on. Oh, by the by, that also means all you globalists will expire as well, cause you know, there won't be anyone left to suppliy you with all your needs, like food, clean water, air conditioning, etc. etc.etc. My only question is, How has this imbecile of a governor escaped becoming a lamp post ornament?

    1. Years ago, a group of "intellectuals" founded The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement. Exactly how long did you think it would remain "voluntary"?

  16. That would be rede, rite and do maff.

    In related news in suburban Chicago, Timothy Christian Schools, a K-12 private school, lost it's state certification because they didn't affirm the Governor's mask mandate. Graduates will have a diploma not recognized by the State Board of Education, but the Board will recognize Chicago Public School diplomas for those who graduate without learning to rede, rite, and do maff.



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