
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Pentagon: US troops must get their COVID-19 vaccines ASAP

WASHINGTON (AP) — Military troops must immediately begin to get the COVID-19 vaccine, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in a memo Wednesday, ordering service leaders to “impose ambitious timelines for implementation.”


  1. Flushing the military of all non-compliants....

    Do people still not think theres been an actual f'cking coup?

  2. Ambitious timeline to finish crippling our military.

  3. Gotta soften up the target for the Chicom.

  4. Think "Swine Flu" and "Agent Orange" and you'll see what our future vets have to look forward to.

    Glad I'm retired and not mid-grade, mid-career right now.

  5. How come no one has fragged this fucker yet. Nemo

  6. I just read minutes ago, I forget where (I cruise a lot of news sites) that 800,000 military personnel are facing court martials if they refuse to be guinea pigs and take the experimental jobs.....

    Tim in AK

  7. Gotta get it done before they realize that it truly hasn’t been least from what I’ve been seeing.

  8. Ehheheheheeheh, No.

    I think saline solution will be popular among corpsmen. The brig can't hold everyone that refuses and the military will be hard pressed to discharge EVERYONE that refuses. Those discharged will probably have lawyers to overturn any dishonorable or OTH discharges.

    If someone tells me they have a OTH or DH discharge, I don't see it as a bad thing; rather I want to know why. Uncle Sam has a lot of ridiculous policies and popping some E at a rave may get you thrown out when the act itself didn't harm anyone, nor is it immoral. It's a difference in opinion. The act of signing up in the first place out weighs what the paper says.

    "Members of the U.S. military are already required to get as many as 17 different vaccines, depending on where they are deployed." I got over the brain fog about two years ago but their is no telling how much my cognitive ability has been affected by so much poison.

    “It’s a lawful order and we fully anticipate that our troops are going to follow lawful orders,” It is in direct conflict with the unalienable rights to bodily sovereignty and self-determination; it is unlawful and unethical at the most elemental level of the human condition. If the government violates the non-aggression principle and uses force, they have no moral standing in the matter.

    -arc / retired 0311

    1. Back in the day, I got Hep C from one of those 17 vaccines.

  9. When the troops that claim they got the poison don't die, they're going to be in a lot of trouble...

  10. Rev Jim Jones - everyone drinks the Kool aid, FDA approved.
    What was in the Kool aid?
    Authority have the best intentions toward its followers?
    Off topic, sorry...

    1. Flavor Aid, damnit. Those dirt poor commies couldn't afford our top-shelf product!
      - Kool Aid

  11. Air force grounded, homeless camp out on ships dry-docked, US Marines land one marine on beachhead, Soldier picks up one butt during field day. Red Dawn III the movie's chinese extras show up sequel


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