
Friday, August 27, 2021

People still huff shit?

SHASTA COUNTY, Calif. - On Friday at approximately 3:58 p.m., an employee from the Rite Aid drug store in Shasta Lake reported an unknown male subject was opening items in the store, consuming them, and refused to leave when asked, according to the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office. 

The employee explained that the man was “huffing” an unknown aerosol-type substance. 

Due to the circumstances surrounding the unknown substance being ingested, all City of Shasta Lake deputies responded.


  1. I remember being angry that the glue for making models became hidden behind the counter. You'd have to provide to the clerk your name and address. And if you were under age 16 you needed written parental permission. All because idiots always looking for new highs. I hope they glued their brains.

  2. Oh, and the price of the glue sharply spiked.

  3. Never was into huffing...that shit will give you dain bramage.

  4. Glue was popular with the hoi polloi, but in my neighborhood the huff of choice was Summers Eve.

  5. When I was in Iceland 1972-3, a guy in NDT, (non destructive testing) was huffing freon 12. Pretty sure he was seeing lower gods and other dimensions. He didn't die. Seemed relatively normal when straight. Hash deliveries were sporadic.
    Oh yeah! Stay away from crowds and keep yer head on a swivel.

  6. Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffin' glue!
    - Steve McCroskey


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