
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Remember back when they were saying 'two weeks'?

It’s not over just yet. 

Dr. Anthony Fauci says the U.S. won’t emerge from the COVID pandemic until next spring at the earliest. 

The world-renowned infectious disease expert predicted the coming months will remain very difficult, with high caseloads and deaths especially in places with low vaccination rates.


  1. Someone please shoot this piece of shit already....

    1. Fuck that little troll. Trump should have fired his ass.

    2. Agreed. Fuck that little Guinea WOP bitch straight in the ass and drop him in the Atlantic 25 miles off shone.

      Fucking useless POS.

  2. The forced submission to tyrannical control will NEVER end now that eery have everyone cowering in fear, afraid of being afraid.
    This shit will only end when everyone stands up and says NO, ignores their diatribes and constant BS lies and starts living their lives again. BFYTW

  3. It can’t be over until all the fraudulent ballots are mailed in November 2022

  4. Tony Fauxi, the government hack. As long as the panic is on he can continue to enrich himself. As much a doctor as Jill Biden is. Hasn't examined a woman's ass in over 40 years.


  5. the fucker should be dragged out into the street and hung until dead.
    they never going to let go of the VIRUS POWER ! until we stand up and say no more !
    that bitch nancy promised them lots of cash if they kept the people locked down and closed
    everything that did not pay them (big box stores) like the asshole andy getting bounced on sex bullshit instead of the crime of the nursing home deaths. if andy was hung for the real crime, so would a lot of other demorats who did the same thing.
    rule of law is dead in this country.

  6. I didn't think "world-renowned" was a synonym for "infamous".

  7. Have a feeling the Fauci will be keeping eternal company with Dr. Mengele.

  8. Copied from a nurse friend:

    Let me see if I understand this properly.

    Person A feels that they need the vaccine to be protected, so they get vaccinated.
    However, Person A doesn't feel protected unless Person B also gets the vaccine.
    And if Person B refuses to get the vaccine, Person A shames them until they do.

    Let's take this a step further.

    Person A, who is vaccinated, can still catch and transmit the virus, but is not subjected to going through daily/weekly testing.

    Person B, who is not vaccinated, and who can catch and transmit the virus, has to go through daily/weekly testing and potential quarantine.

    Why does Person A not have to go through testing and quarantine if they can still catch and transmit the virus?

    And to go even further than that:

    Person A is vaccinated and, even though they can catch and transmit the virus, can walk into any number of locations that state they will only allow the vaccinated inside.

    Person B is not vaccinated and, even though they may test negative for the virus, are not allowed inside any of the locations that state they will only allow the vaccinated inside.

    Wanna piece this together now?
    It boils simply down to segregation and discrimination with no real basis for doing so.

    1. Person A is vaccinated.
    2. Person B is not vaccinated.
    3. Both Person A and Person B can catch and transmit the virus.
    4. Person A does not have to get tested, but Person B does.
    5. Person A can go wherever they want, but Person B cannot.
    6. Person A is allowed to live their lives, while Person B cannot.
    7. Person A perpetuates the shaming of Person B by stating that Person B needs to be vaccinated for Person A to be protected.

    If your shot works, why do I need one? If your shot doesn't work, why should I get one?

    1. Or this one: "unvaxxed people are spreading the virus."

      Really? People have traded in their brains for a!

      Unwell people pass on virus.
      Well people do not.
      Unvaxxed does not equal unwell.
      Vaxxed does not equal well (virus free)

      Stay strong. Do not let them segregate us.

      If asked by curious souls if youve been do not reveal one way or another. Tell them the question is divisive.

  9. Fauci needs a wedgie.

  10. Australian truckers have set August 31 as their truck strike date.....
    with the goal of shutting down their government.....
    and replacing their COVID1984 tyrants thru acts of civil disobedience.....

    What’s the odds that the citizens win......????


  11. Democrats are going to milk this until the election.

    I'd bet a nice lunch on it.

  12. Morgan Freeman said in an interview that the best way to end racism is to stop talking about it.

    Same goes for this plandemic in my humble opinion. But that will never happen.

  13. Shelby County, Tennessee just went back to mandated masks.

    But the head of the County Health Department swears "It's only for 30 days so the hospitals can catch up."

    I've heard this shit before...

  14. Fauci needs to go through an old Sicilian routine:
    Ties to a chair; and after each question, a toe or finger is cut off; when there are no more remaining appendages, then he is slowly peeled like a grape; not allowed to die until everything is complete.
    Advice from a friend.

    1. I thought you were gonna go with "His family goes first, ten minutes before him, so the last thing he hears on this earth is them cursing his name before God."

  15. To be fair, we never specified which "two weeks".
    - The Government

  16. Have you noticed no one mentions the survivability anymore.


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