
Monday, August 09, 2021

Seriously? Who would want to fuck that thing?

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez revealed in a new clip released Monday that she feared rioters would kill and rape her when they stormed the Capitol on January 6th. 

'White supremacy and patriarchy are very linked in a lot of ways,' the progressive Democrat said when recalling that day. 'There's a lot of sexualizing of that violence and I didn't think that I was just going to be killed, I thought other things were going to happen to me as well.'


  1. Sounds like she is expressing a fantasy that someone would actually want her no matter how that would happened.

    1. I was going to say she meant she hoped something else was going to happen....

  2. AOC said she was a sexual assault survivor...hey, I was also a bartender, back in the day, and I can't tell you how many waitresses took advantage of me...also I wouldn't fuck her with "insert your name's" dick...I really wish she'd just go away, but, unfortunately, lemmings run rampant in her district, and they vote...

    1. Even Nancy said that "a glass of water would be elected in that district, as long as there was a "D" after its name."

  3. She wasn't even in the Capitol that day. She was in her office in the Russel House Office Building.
    Of course she's "a survivor of sexual assault" That's required in the victimhood theology of the left.

    1. NY Post has a good summary of where she actually was, including a map.

      Steve the Engineer

  4. And yet, she still wasn't there.

  5. Only democrats are dumb enough to do that to AOC.

  6. Reminds me of this scene in Little Big Man-
    They'll get me tonight, for sure.
    Poor Caroline never did have no luck with men.

    1. The only trouble with Snake women is they copulate with horses, which makes them strange to me.

      She says she doesn't. That's why I call her Doesn't Like Horses.

      But, of course, she's lying.

    2. Great movie, great lines. That and A man called horse.

  7. i read she wasn't even there. wtf?

  8. She was several buildings away from the "insurrection" yet was feared for her life when the police showed up to warn her? That women is a liar.

    1. be nice, don't call her a liar. Just call her a democrat.

  9. The dumb bitch wasn't even in the same building! Think she is just trying to put her twisted sex fantasies out there so someone would take care of it! 🤮

  10. I wouldn't do her with bill Clinton's di@k

  11. Alexandaria O'Casio-Cortex is quite the fetching ingenue, so I understand her concerns.
    And those big dopey over-size spectacles perpetually sliding down her nose are the very definition of 'see-ductress'.
    But her 'girls'... did she get them 'done'?
    Mind you, I have nothing against bolt-ons.
    I think any body in America can be any thing she wants.
    Any word on who she is dating these days?
    I bet the lucky fellow is one of those hunky Capitol LawEnforcementOfficials!
    If only her office couch had pay-per-view...

  12. Sounds like the beginning of a plot for a porn.

  13. ***"rioters would kill and rape her"***

    At least the rioters would have their priorities corrct. Silence her first so she doesn't constanlty screech and nag at you while you're trying to make Mr. Johnston happy.

  14. I would slide it between her tits & squirt her in the eye.

    1. Need quite an arc to make it over the teeth.

  15. Giving up the clam to your boyfriend and then claiming you were sexually assaulted doesn't make you a survivor. It makes him a survivor.

  16. No doubt she is a genuinely unattractive woman.

  17. Just projection for how she (and the left) want to screw the whole country 😕

  18. She's been watching to much pornhub. Getting fantasy mixed up with reality.

  19. Drill a hole in her head, skull fook her and leave her mind in a fog. Oh, Wait!

    She's already in such fog. It wouldn't compromise her mental processes any further.

    THIS is the caliber of graduates from BU these days.


  20. poor baaby.Kid is weird and sick, but not a sick as we are of her

  21. I guess I’m a sick bastard, because I’d do her. However, I don’t think it would be as fun if she were dead first. Just saying.

    1. Ah, Hell no, her cooze probably smells like a poorly designed septic tank backing up, the backside of the shithouse door on a tune boat, the...I could go on. Just, no.
      Edit: She may or may not smell better dead, but at least she'd be quiet. So there's that.

    2. Dead or alive her reaction would be the same 'cause she would hate to see anyone else having fun.

  22. The smartest thing that ever came out of her mouth was a dick

  23. No, Henny Penny...the sky is NOT falling.

  24. The cunt wasn't even there at the Capitol to BE raped or murdered. AOC: the Brian Williams of politicians.

  25. But of course. The keys to success in progressive America:
    Claims of great suffering/victimhood
    Claims of utter innocence. That victimhood came out of nowhere for absolutely no reason at all. None! There is never any reason a person or group is disliked (or even avoided) it’s just purely irrational hatred. Except for hating whites of course, that just makes sense.

  26. "she feared rioters would kill and rape her"

    Stupid rioters were gonna do it ass-backwards.
    - Zombie Ted Bundy
    Gary Ridgeway

  27. Prolly smells like Grey Poupon too. Ohio Guy


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