
Sunday, August 01, 2021

Sunday Video 4



  1. Another "Fight For $15" advocate for sure.

  2. Explain to me again what the minimum skillset is that's required to use a vacuum cleaner

    1. Years ago, we used a cleaning lady service for a while. They used freshly arrived Polish immigrants, and most spoke no English at all. No problem. You tell the delivery lady what you need done, and she translates to the cleaning lady. Works OK, I guess.

      One day we had a fresh one, right off the boat. I was upstairs in my office, and I could hear her dragging around the vacuum cleaner, but I never heard her turn it on. I went downstairs to see her using the vacuum cleaner like one of those old "carpet sweepers" they used in the 1940's. Nobody had ever told her to plug it in.

      I showed her how it works, and I don't recall who was more embarrassed - her or me.

      This is no story. It actually happened.

  3. I shit you not. A damn good friend of mine raised by women had no machinal inclination whatsoever. I went to his house one day and he had the vacuum in his hands rolling it around. I said, what's up? He said I can't find the gas cap. Moment of silence thinking how I'm gonna explain this to my bud without embarrassing him. I said ya pulled the plug outta the wall. That thing don't take gas. It don't? Nope, let me plug it in for ya. Yep, he was also slow on the draw but not so slow the Army didn't send him to Nam in 67.

    1. Thank you Robert S.(shit-for-brains) McNamara. Hope your buddy made back home in one piece.

  4. Looks like someone got some reparations money.

  5. The Biden regime wants that black woman to change careers to become an airline pilot.

  6. The real reason they took Aunt Jemima’s face off the pancake mix box.

  7. These are the types of illegal aliens the country is being overwhelmed with. Who do you think is footing their food, health care, utilities, etc.? fkng all politicians only want to stay in power, the country be damned.

  8. What freaking third world Mud Hut country do you grow up in that you don't know what how Vacuum Cleaner works....

    1. Somali. it votes democratic, several times

    2. the average IQ in the country of Somila is reported to be 68.

  9. And when you read about the need for bilingual education, remember that many of our invaders speak pre-Spanish languages, and many of those who do speak Spanish are illiterate in that language.
    But these peopoe will be a benefit to (destroying) our country.
    John in Indy

  10. This why you don't bring stone age people into the modern world. Nemo

  11. I hear and agree with most of what has been posted already, but the woman is doing a damn good job, except for not knowing how to use it. I would take a thousand of her over 10,000 typical lifelong Detroit residents.

    1. I agree.
      Many recent immigrants from Africa want nothing to do with American ghetto blacks.

  12. After doing such a good job in the halls, I imagine she earns a promotion to the kitchen.
    The food gets cooked then dumped... as she bites into the skillet.

  13. THIS is NOT dumb or even Ignorant....YA JUST CAN'T FIX STUPID! I bet this vote also.

  14. You don't want to see how she cleans a toilet. Trust me.

    1. Don't leave your toothbrush or hairbrush lying around.

  15. Interesting. I just had my wife, who has dementia, vacuum the steps between the floors of out bi-level. She was doing exactly the same thing. Don't know if that's the case here but There can be very valid reasons for the action, as stupid as they seem.

  16. Why doesn't she just rub the magic can and ask the Jinn to vacuum that filthy rug?

  17. Anybody remember the video of a wakandan operating a wheelbarrow.
    Load the wheelbarrow then pick it up and carry it to the work site.

  18. I know this might not be what is happening in the video, but I have done exactly this, and I KNOW how vacuum cleaners work.

    Heavy rain storm, leaky roof, leads to wet carpet - so run the vacuum cleaner over it, using the warm exhaust air to help dry the damp carpet.

  19. What happens when you take someone from a IQ 75 society and try to make them part of a IQ 100 society. It's never gonna work....


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