
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Those Americans

There are no longer any excuses. Fraudulent elections, dangerous mandated injections, a president with known bribery charges and records of it linking to a major enemy of the United States, arms and equipment left to our enemies in an active war on terror due to a fantastically mismanaged withdrawal from a conflict is giving aid and comfort to the enemy. If our leaders were enemy combatants against the people of America, I don’t know how they could do a better job of debilitating and demoralizing them. 

It doesn’t matter whether the endangerment to one’s life is a matter of intentional harm or incredibly stupid management. Through either treason or incompetence, it is the people themselves who are being threatened on all levels, some of it from our own police and bureaucrats, whether out of evil intent or incompetence, and some of it from foreign nations either actively engaged in a war with us or threatening war on the United States and/or its allies.


  1. You might like to keep an eye on Australia. Their government is overstepping the mark in a big way and it seems that their truckers are going to be the ones to put a stop to it. It will be interesting to see how it works out.

    1. I have always said that a 30 day total truck stoppage would bring a total breakdown... Starvation, rioting, the whole banana. Problem is if it were tried in the United States nowadays it would most likely fail because there are way too many illegals/wetbacks driving trucks on our roads. Those bought-and-sold morons would just keep driving. They know who their supporters and benefactors are. They are not Americans, don't care a whit about America, and would not give a shit what happens to this country... as long as that federal money/aid keeps rolling in.

  2. On my telephone, TwelveRound consistently requires up to a couple minutes to load, consistently freezes on the page, and consistently freezes my telephone, requiring a re-start.
    No other websites are like this.
    Do you honestly truly believe the algorithms are throttling TwelveRound?
    Break into small groups, discuss.

  3. What a time to be alive! Eod1sg Ret


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