
Friday, August 27, 2021

Together Again

I put my little girl dog Legal Lucy down this morning.

It was about a month ago she began having seizures and I took her in to the vet's office where they prescribed phenobarbital to control them, which it did wonderfully. Not only that, but her activity level shot up to where it was 5 years ago, and I did a post about that then.
The day after I posted that, the very next day, she started getting lazy again. No big deal, she's an older dog and she's earned the right to be lazy, but I started keeping a close eye on her.
She began to sleep more and more and she got to where she just didn't show much interest in anything. She didn't even want to get off the porch for our morning walk, and when I picked her up and carried her into the yard so she could do her morning business, she had difficulty climbing the 3 steps back up - very weak and shaky.
Then earlier this week, she quit eating. Now it wasn't at all unusual for her to turn her nose up to her food occasionally, but she always ate at the next feeding. This was different - she quit eating entirely.
Three days ago I had an appointment for her so Doc could check the phenobarbital levels in her blood and I told him about her loss of appetite, and he gave me an appetite stimulant. It didn't help. Sure, the first night she nibbled at some chicken in her bowl, but then she walked away from it after a couple mouthfuls. Last night, she ate for the first time in 5 days and promptly threw up what little she did eat.

Then this morning when we got up, she started looking for a dark, quiet corner. This is not good. I've seen it before.

When the Vet's office opened this morning I called and made her final appointment. She wasn't in pain and she wasn't showing any outward signs of distress, but I'm not one to keep an animal alive for my sake - she needs to enjoy life, which she wasn't doing. I could see that in her eyes, normally full of life and mischief but lately just kinda dull.

She spent her last 5-6 hours in mine or Lisa's lap getting petted and loved on and being told what a great dog she was.
At 11 this morning, I had her in the office, me holding her head and whispering sweet nothings to her as Doc slipped the needle in. She took it calmly and I swear that as she was fading out, she smiled at me.

She had a good run though. She had been diagnosed with kidney failure and Doc told me then she probably wouldn't last another 3 months, and that was almost 3 years ago. She was a fighter, a tough little dog.

I've been through this I don't know how many times before, but this was the hardest one for me. I managed to hold my emotions inside so as not to distress her, but when it was done and Doc left me alone with her for a few minutes, I shed more than a few tears for her. As good of a dog as she was, she earned and deserved that.

I had her cremated and I should get her ashes back early next week. Some of them I'll spread along her favorite places on the property, the rest will go into the box that holds CharlieGodammit's ashes. They were best buds anyway.

I'm sorry if this post sounds so stilted, but somehow I'm just not in the mood to write and I'm not seeing much humor in anything. I'll be taking the next couple days off between this and a couple other things I have going on, but I'll be back Monday.



  1. now MY guts hurt, too.

    I'm so sorry.

    Be as well as you can be, knowing Legal is not in distress anymore.

  2. Kenny, 'Sorry' is inadequate but it's all I can offer.

  3. Sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and Lisa.

  4. You have my most heartfelt condolences. I went through that with my German Shepard several years ago and I still well up with tears thinking about it.

    I saw something a few years ago that said heaven is the place where all your old furry friends rush to see you. I’m holding on to that.

  5. I'm so sorry to hear this, Kenny. Our dogs give us some of the happiest days of our life and one of the saddest.

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss... I don't have the words...

  7. It is never an easy decision or one to make lightly, you did the right thing. Too many people are selfish and hold on to an animal for way too long, not realizing they do not show pain and suffering the same way as humans.
    Take your time, we all understand, and remember the good times.
    God Bless you and Miss Lisa, especially to help with this grief.
    It seems more and more that AHJ was meant to come into your life.

  8. Kenny -

    I am so sorry to hear this and I genuinely, seriously feel your pain.

    We just went through the same sad experience with our own pup (16+ y/o) some weeks past and that hole in our lives is tangible.


  9. Take all the time you need. I know what it's like to lose a pup. RIP Lucy.

  10. Sorry for the loss of your friend.

  11. I’m sorry Ken, they are our best friends.

  12. Aww man. I'm so sorry to hear this, Kenny. I know how much it hurts.

  13. My sincerest condolences to Ms Lisa and you Kenny. Lots of losses don't make it any easier. RIP Legal Lucy

  14. First, I am so sorry for your loss.

    Second, that cartoon made me cry.

  15. I feel for you. I sure am sorry to hear this. Dogs deserve a heaven more than most humans.

  16. so sorry Ken.

  17. Sorry for your loss.
    Place in Louisville called Fire Studio creates
    glass art from a small amount of ashes.

  18. Just damn. It never gets easier. Godspeed to Lucy, blessings to you for sharing unconditional with something that so freely gives it to us. Be well.

  19. So sad to read this...Bless you and Lisa!

  20. RIP Legal Lucy, I feel like I knew you. Sadly, dogs don't live long enough...

  21. Shit bro... InLaws Dawg died recently... right there with you in the feelz...

  22. Damn, sorry to hear but it is good you did right by Lucy. That takes guts. You might like to give a read to a poem called the "Rainbow Bridge". The darn thing still brings a tear to my eye buy I feel better after I read it.

    Ed C

  23. What a beautiful picture of CGD and Lucy.
    It's probably what primed me to ball like a baby when I got to the cartoon at the bottom.

  24. Ken,
    Please accept my heartfelt condolences on your loss.

  25. Sorry for your loss. Just really can't say enough, but feeling for you all.

  26. My condolences. Giving LL or any pet a painless goodbye is the best way to love them back for all of the love they bestow on us during their lives.


  27. And mother fuckers in Oz are shooting dogs because ............well who the fuck knows. My girl is going to be 10 next Feb. I know that means maybe 2 or 3 more years, if I'm very lucky. She's had 3 cancer surgeries. Definitely not looking forward to it. From your posts, it's almost like we knew them. Sorry.

  28. Dear Ken and MissLisa: Much sympathy to you both. You gave LegalLucy the best life she would have ever had. From reading the trials and tribulations you had with her, she was very special and loved you both. LegalLucy knew it was her time and it takes an unselfish, loving owner to respond. Lucy and Charlie are now healthy and happy frolicking at the RainbowBridge... "Yinzer"

  29. That really sucks, sorry for y'alls loss...

  30. I am sorry for you and Miss Lisa.
    Lucy and CGD are waiting for you on the other side of the rainbow bridge.
    Alex Lund

  31. Man, I hate hearing this. Condolences.

  32. I'm so sorry for your loss. Being the human sucks, but she let you know that you were doing right by her. She'll be waiting for you with CharlieGodammit.

  33. Only those of us who have walked in you shoes can fathom the grief and pain. But we are a unique group. We endure the pain and grief so we can live to do it again. And again. No words can ease the pain, but knowing we are all here with you might help.


  34. This is what we all wish for

    You’ll Meet Me In The Light

    I know that you can’t see me,
    But trust me I’m right here.
    Although I’m up in Heaven,
    My love for you stays near.
    So often I see you crying,
    Many times you call my name.
    I want so much to lick your face,
    And ease some of your pain.
    I wish that I could make you see,
    That Heaven is indeed real.
    If you could see me run and play,
    How much better you would feel.
    But our loving God has promised me,
    That when the time is right,
    You’ll step into the darkness,
    And meet me in the light.

  35. Okay. Eyes filling up. Burning where my nostrils meet my sinuses. Lump in my throat. Telling myself not to be such a wuss, dammit! She had the best life a dog could ever get. Be happy for her! So. Half an hour later. I'm still caught right here on the edge of bawling my head off. Sad news, and thank you for being so good to your dogs. xoxox

  36. There is little in a man's life that grieves him more than losing his dog.

    Michael in Nelson

  37. So sorry Ken. We had to put down our boy last winter too. Its never easy, especially when they were great companions. Prayers to you and the wife.

  38. I'm so sorry. It's heartbreaking to lose a pet, and you've had too much of that lately.

  39. Sorry for your loss. Dogs are the best.


  40. Truly sorry to hear that. Been there before multiple times and it always hurts worse than anything.

  41. I don't know you. But you come across as a decent enough kind of guy. I feel that based on your sense of humor, we would probably be friends. Your love of dogs convinces me we would get along famously. I feel your pain. I lost a dog (to an ex) many years ago. It took me forever to NOT think about him every day. Every single day. Man, That was tough. I don't know what to say other than what others have voiced before me. People here feel your pain. People here are thinking about you. Take something good away from that. Its more than many others even have in this world.

  42. My deepest heartfelt condolences

  43. So sorry to hear this. I'm not ashamed to admit that I needed my handkerchief, a couple times.

  44. I hope her and Charlie are having a ball. Its such a tough call to make. We lost our little fur ball to kidney failure too about 3 years ago. Had to make the same call you did. It hurt. It always does. Still miss her.

  45. Condolences, Ken.
    Sure wish dogs lived longer!

  46. I have 2 older dogs. It was painful to read your post. Know that when you get to Heaven, all your dogs come out to greet you.

  47. Thank you for being such a caring and observant dog owner.

    You have my most sincere condolences on the passing of another of your beloved pets.

  48. Very sorry for your loss, I know it quite well

  49. I now have my seventh Lab. She is two. I had a few mixed I saved from the SPCA so about ten dogs in the last forty-five years. Every time I put one down I say that's it. I can't do this again. However, I just cannot live without a dog. They are the best creature on the earth. My heart goes out to you guys. It sure does hurt.

  50. condolences, Sir. regards, Skynet.

  51. So sorry Ken,
    Prayers for comfort for you & yours.

  52. Dear Ken, I am crying for you and Lucy. I have two dogs (best friends). I am sorry and will say a prayer for you, and the mrs. It is hard to say goodbye . I will have to face that one myself. You gave Lucy (and Charlie) the best life a dog would want or could ever want.
    God bless you sir.

  53. I know exactly how you feel. Ohio Guy

  54. Peace. We do what we have to do as the last thing we can give them. Our companions are always with us. We have lost 3 cats in the past 2 yrs. We see them wherever we look. Our love to them is the same love they give us. Unconditional.

  55. [rocketride]

    The first indication that 2020 was going to be a completely shit year was having to take two of my beloved cats for their final visits in a two week span.

    1. I have a 21 year old cat who is close to that green mile. I have trepidation. I don't' want to kill my cat, but when she is hurting too much, it will have to be done. I know how you feel. I went through this once before and I am still not over it.

  56. So very sorry.. Mine was put down 7-4 of this year...

  57. My condolences and healing prayers sent across the miles. My wife and I lost a wonderful dog last year that was much too soon in her young life. Had her cremated. The only one we ever had cremated.

  58. Been at that spot. And it hurts. Hurts real bad. Their impressions on your soul last a lifetime. They are family and deserve our joys and grief. Godspeed little one!

  59. This brings tears to my eyes.
    Not only for your loss but for the one I’m trying to get ready for. (and failing)

    My “velcro dog” Golden Retriever is doing much of the same. Appetite is for shit, activity is down and I’m heartbroken knowing what needs to be done.
    Sorry Kenny.

  60. I'm sorry hear about Legal Lucy, Ken. Condolences to you and Lisa.

  61. I am so sorry for your loss. They are such wonderful family members. I share your pain.

  62. I know it's inadequate but heartfelt condolences on your loss Ken. It's always tough losing a member of your family and anyone that doesn't think dogs are a member of your family needs their head examined.


  63. Sorry Dude. Been through it a couple times and have it coming up again. Nothing wrong with physically expressing complete and utter sadness. Condolences.

  64. Sorry Brother, that is the hardest part of having animal companionsin our Life. I know several persons who swear never to do it again - it's too hard to say good-bye for good.

    Take the time off and remember the good times. Evebtyally, things will turn around.

  65. Sorry for your loss. Best friends don't live long enough.

  66. Sorry for your loss Kenny. Oddly enough, I just walked out of a room doing exactly just what you described, sat in front of my computer and saw this post. It was kind of an odd happenstance that's for sure.

  67. I have a little 21 year old cat that is deaf, has arthritis, she bleeds from her left ear regularly. She wakes us up in the middle of the night to give her water or food.
    I give her pain medication when she looks really uncomfortable. She is a dozy as Joe Biden. 21 is quite old for a cat.

    I was considering putting her down, but after that little dog cartoon. I changed my mind. I will wait until I think she is suffering and not enjoying life any longer. I am her best friend.

    I only has one of other pet in my life .. a lovely cat named Freddie. His kidneys were failing at age 14 and we did put him down. That was over 20 years ago and I still shed a tear if I think about him too long.

  68. Been there sorry for your loss.

  69. Sorry to hear this. My condolences. You did everything right, but I know how bad it hurts.

  70. So sorry you have gone through another loss so soon after CGD.

  71. Condolences Sir tp you and your better half.
    There like our kids.

  72. So sorry, man. I did the same for our elderly dog a few weeks ago. It always hurts like hell. You did right by her.

  73. So sorry, man. I did the same for our elderly dog a few weeks ago. It always hurts like hell. You did right by her.

  74. It never gets easier. Glad she had you and your wife as her family. She was lucky.

    1. So sorry for your never gets easier.

  75. that sucks, we had to put out good girl down this past sunday. her best bud is still freaking out that she not here to play with. dogs don't seem to last as long as their mark on us does.
    I done this more times than I like. and we are thinking after slim the dufus goes. we might not get another one. just too damn hard to watch them go. very sorry for your lost bud.

  76. I've relieved many moments with my past pups through your stories of yours you have my respect for the life you give your critters and condolences for the loss of a good dog. We don't deserve em.

  77. So very sorry for your loss.
    Remember that any pet that has been loved lives on in the afterlife.
    Legal Lucy and Charlie are romping in the fields in Heaven.

  78. Sure got dusty in here...

    Condolences, buddy!

  79. Our heartfelt condolences. It really hurts loosing our best friends. We feel your pain.

  80. Condolences on your loss.
    I'm dancing on the edge with one of mine right now. Bear the Great and Terrible Cat is either 28 or 33/34y/o. He survived cancer(lost an ear) a year back and is blind now, but he still gets off the bed to eat and piddle then back up for napping. And he gets upset if I don't come to bed when he thinks I should. He'll be the last when he goes; I'm too old to do this again. Wife(lost her 6 years back) and I probably lost 10-12 animals over the years. It never gets any easier.

  81. Well dammit my friend, very sorry for your loss, my sincere condolences. Take all the time you need, we will be here when you are ready- all of us appreciate the job you do.


  82. You did the right thing and I am proud of you!

  83. All of us dog lovers have been there - reading your post brings those moments briefly back - I think I have 7 now buried in my back yard from the past 26 years living here. :(
    RAINBOW BRIDGE!!!!!!!!

  84. As Snitter says to Rowf in "Plague Dogs" (don't watch this movie without a box of Kleenex), "You need a good master."

    All you can do is remember you were a good master.

  85. All our critters will be waiting for us when it's our turn and that's a comfort to me.

  86. Sorry to hear that Lucy passed . The only time a Dog will break your heart is when they die.

  87. Tough times for sure. Dang it Kenny. Prayers sent for you and Lisa.

  88. I'm sorry man. Hurts every time to let a good one go. Wish they lived longer.

  89. All I knew about Lucy was the photos you posted, and what you wrote about her over the years, but God, I loved that dog.
    I have an achy head and lump in my throat as I write.

    All I can do is echo what 90+ have already said.

  90. Of course there is nothing can add to all of the words that have been written here. I have no great words of wisdom, even given my religious college training, and definitely nothing to make it easier having gone through it myself a few times. What I can say is that from the huge number of responses here, it is obvious that you have one hell of a lot of people who care about you, in your corner, who know both what you are going through, and how really true the pain is that you are feeling, and how justified you and your better half are in feeling that way. So don't feel that you have to hide from it, to project strength or machismo, or some manly persona, to avoid somehow showing that you are not human. Because probably 90% of us have gone through the same thing.
    My sorrow for your loss, and wishing you the time to grieve, and to heal, in the manner of your own choosing, without others interfering. And also, stay safe from some of the crazy weather and governmental edicts. They are only going to get worse.

  91. It has been a rough year here. I have put down five dogs for friends and family that either could not afford the vet or could not bring themself to do it - plus two of my own dogs. A shot to the head - instant death, no pain, no fear, no anticipation of bad things to some. I have a dog cemetery on the property. Still have three holes unfilled, will need to dig more soon.

  92. Man that sucks. I’m sorry. I’ve always had such a hard time with my dogs passing on. Why they mean so much to us I’ll really never understand I guess. I hope she’s running around with Charlie as I type this.

  93. So sorry to hear this mate. I feel for you and Lisa.

  94. I'm very sad to hear this news. Try to keep your chin up.

  95. Man that sucks. I’m sorry. I’ve always had such a hard time with my dogs passing on. Why they mean so much to us I’ll really never understand I guess. I hope she’s running around with Charlie as I type this.

  96. Time will pass. The greatest elixir for burning grief.

  97. Sorry for your loss. I'm glad she has Charlie with her again

  98. I am truly sorry for your loss.

  99. Ken, I'm so sorry friend. Everyone of us that have gone through this know the feelings you're going through. As this is the 106th comment, you know you are not alone. We grieve with you. May your grief be short and the good memories long lasting. Peace and Good, Blessings.

  100. Losing a dog is a sorrowful thing. My condolences, friend. I'm sure that Charlie God Dammit was there to great her. :>)

  101. Saw the notice over at BCE's place. Prayers for your pets and all your family. I still cry when I lose one, I shed a tear for Lucy today.

  102. So sorry to hear. I swear it's tougher to lose a great pet than a person!

  103. Kenny, my sympathies and condolences for your loss. I held both Bailey and Bandit in my arms when it came time for the last visit to the vet. Yes, it does suck, but I hope you will take comfort in remembering all the good times and the love only a devoted dog can give, that Charliegoddammit and Legal Lucy gave to you.

  104. Sorry for your loss. I would be lying if I said I didn't shed a tear or two. I am a softy when it comes to dogs. I loved hearing the stories of her and CharlieGodammit over the years I have been coming to your blog.

  105. The hardest thing we ever do is say goodbye to our best friend.

  106. So sorry to hear this.

    “Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever.”

    ― Karen Davison

  107. Kenny ,sorry about Lady Lucy,we will see our little buds in the next chapter.

  108. Oh damn... so sorry to hear that Ken.

  109. I used to think that we gave our furry friends a place in this world, at 65 I'm pretty sure it's the other way around. Prayers for you and Miss Lisa.

  110. Sorry for your loss, I too have lost so many over the years. The tragedy is that there lives are so much shorter than ours. The only thing that makes losing them bearable is how much they give us when they are here.

  111. No words that'll do any good at a time like this, sir. Condolences to you and Miss Lisa.

  112. I'm really sorry about Legal Lucy, Kenny. I've got to put my boy Harley down soon and I'm not looking forward to it.

  113. Sorry for your loss, Ken. This brought back the unhappy memory of the loss of our ‘Bear’; our furry friends are always with us. Our sincere condolences.

  114. I know what you are going through, as I went through it with my hairy child Galahad. He was such a good boy - for a cat, that is. His actions gave me many opportunities to laugh, and many opportunities to wonder if God had given him a brain. He was my buddy, and it gave me so much pain to have to have him put to sleep. Damn, but it's getting dusty in here.

  115. I used to think we gave our furry friends a place in this world. At 65, I'm pretty sure it's the other way around.

  116. Damn man, I cried like a little school girl reading that. My most sincere condolences to you and Ms. Lisa.

  117. Sorry to hear that Kenny, i was hoping it was getting better for her after the last post.


  118. Man, I'm so sorry. I wish I had words that would help.

  119. Ken,
    You and Lisa have done your level best and for that you have been given their best.
    Sorry for your loss.

  120. Sorry, Kenny. Eod1sg Ret

  121. Sorry to hear this. It’s a rough thing to go through.

  122. Here's to you my Brother, for taking care of one of God's precious souls.

  123. I'm so sorry to hear this news. As screwed up as things are now this is what torn me up. I have a little white Maltese that I would have a hard time living without so I know your pain. I shed tears for your loss.

  124. I am so sorry Kenny and Miss Lisa. I got tears running thinking about everything that little girl has been through and the pain ya'll are feeling. Do all dogs go to heaven? You dang right they do. Bless you both.

    1. I'm right there with you, Andy. I've been told 'nothing in Scripture says anything about...' That's when I shut them up and tell them "if there's no dogs there, it ain't heaven"

  125. Ahh...geez Kenny I'm sorry to hear about this, I was hopeful the new meds would work out. Of course: She's not gone, just out on another errand at present. She'll be waiting for you with Charlie GDMT at the next stop. Blessings to you and Lisa

  126. So sorry for your loss. You never get over missing a good dog.

  127. Damn, kenny. My condolences to both you and miss lisa.

  128. Damn Ken, I am so sorry to hear that. Been there, share your pain.

  129. My condolences Brother... Thoughts and Prayers are with you...

  130. I am so very sorry for your loss

  131. Thoughts and prayers to you and Lisa. No, it does not get easier. It gets harder every time. Many tears I have shed over the years for my pets and yes, these last ones were for Legal Lucy and Charlie GD.

  132. I know how you're hurting.

    Don't hurry it, we'll be here when you're ready.

  133. Damn, Kenny, I am so sorry you've lost a good friend.

  134. each time I've lost a critter - and dogs are 100% better than 99% of humanity - well, it gets so dusty my eyes water. I'm glad Lucy is reunited with Charlie, but I know it sucks for you and the Missus. Prayers for you, my brother. Lord bless and give you peace.

  135. I am so sorry, we love our babies until the end. I know she was a good dog.

  136. always sad.... amazing how big a hole they leave in our lives... the routines, the little quirks, how they crated a rhythm to our lives.... still miss mine.

  137. Ken and Lisa, I am so sorry to hear about Lucy.... I have a 10 YO Scottie named Lucy. I am dreading the day I have to go through what you just did with her. Take care....

  138. Im sorry for your loss. It never does get easier and somehow I always feel like I didnt have enough time or I didnt do enough.
    My condolences to you and yours.

    A K9 Handler

  139. So sorry to hear the bad, sad news. Prayers for comfort to you & Lisa.

  140. Damn Kenny.
    My condolences to you and Miss Lisa both.
    I've been there and it sucks hard but you do what you gotta do for them.

  141. Kenny, I am so sorry for your loss. She and Charlie must having a grand time.

  142. Only time i ever comment seems to be when you lose one of your so sorry for your pain.
    Semper Fi brother.

  143. Ken, my heartfelt condolences. I've lost loved pets as well, and am watching the rapid deterioration of my 15-year-old Siamese/hillbilly cat.
    From your posts, I know Lucy led a good life, and was treated with kindness; maybe spoiled a bit too, and good for you both!
    It's piss-poor advice at such a time, but try to find comfort in the fact that you gave her the best & happiest life you could. She had a better life than lots of others.
    --Tennessee Budd

  144. Condolences, brother. It's honestly the hardest thing I've ever had to do and I feel for ya.

  145. Kenny, I'm truly sad, again. Charley was a blow, Legal Lucy is another one. I've lost a lot of dogs over the many years (one of the many down sides of being a old Faart) but I feel your loss. Stiff upper lip, find another fur kid to love. I enjoy your work, spread it 'round my limited circle of friends.

  146. Kenny, I'm truly sad, again. Charley was a blow, Legal Lucy is another one. I've lost a lot of dogs over the many years (one of the many down sides of being a old Faart) but I feel your loss. Stiff upper lip, find another fur kid to love. I enjoy your work, spread it 'round my limited circle of friends.

  147. Heard about the loss of your fur baby over on Big Countries site. Had to come over here to tell you how sorry I am. She sounded like a wonderful girl. Just so danged touch. Prayers for you, Lisa and Lucy.

  148. Sorry for your loss.

    Dogs have the ability to make each of us a better person. You have been Blessed to have each other.

  149. It's a love like no other
    Some can't understand
    The primal connection
    Between dog and man.
    If they weren't in the Garden
    They were waiting at the gate
    To help ease our suffering
    And share in our fate.
    God sent them to teach us
    Loyalty and grace,
    Furry angels on four legs
    Running their race.

  150. Sorry for your loss Ken.
    I always looked forward to the adventures of Lucy and AH Jack.

  151. So sorry to her Kenny. We bond so close to our dogs it hard to let them go. Remember all the good time and know she is in no pain.

  152. So very sorry for your loss. She had a good life with you as a friend.

  153. Not Kellie, but John Henry from Linden 95236.
    Kenny, we all gotcha in our prayers. Who or what would we be without dogs in our lives? Spiritually bankrupt and morally nowhere. They give their best to us to try and get the best of us out of us. They fill our lives with something we didn't know we needed. We always swear, after the last ride to the vet, No More Dogs. I put down Kirby the Wonder Dog a few days after Thanksgiving 2019, with the immediate aftermath of the Camp Fire (Paradise, California) roiling family and friends. No More Dogs.
    Curled here by my feet 2 and 1/2 years later, Augustus The Mostly Black Lab is curled up, a pupdog exhausted by the daily routine of dog walks, hiking, swimming, chasing balls and blowing leaves and geese on the Spokane riverbank. At 65 I didn't need a puppy in my life, which goes to show you and mostly me that I don't know what's good for me.
    Breathe, treasure that horrible weight of loss in your heart as an honor fit only for our truest friends.
    No More Dogs Until The Next One.

  154. sorry for your loss, i have had to do that a few times and its never easy. some how pets both dogs and cats make better friends than 99% of the 2 legged critters out there. i have always liked dogs because they are honest, never lie to you. love you or hate you, you always know where you stand. again sorry you had to let her go, but you did the right thing. don

  155. My heart to you, it's never easy.
    She knew you loved her.

  156. Hi Kenny,
    My Heart s with you......

  157. My condolences to both of you on your loss. You were a good Dad to Lucy and did the right thing, a true act of kindness and mercy.

    Ed in Wa

  158. People who don't have animals just don't get it: I do and can only add my add my condolences. Remember the happy times.

  159. God bless you for loving her and giving her a good life.

  160. It always sucks. I'm sorry.

    Stupid allergies...

  161. God bless your little gal.

    You too Dude.

  162. Sorry to hear Kenny. They are a part of the family, and always sad when they go.

  163. So sorry for your loss. We love our animals so much and it is a small consolation that we can ease their passage when we can. I hope you don't feel too sad for too long.

  164. Very sorry, it's heartbreaking when our best friends pass on.

    Steve L.

  165. We love our dogs too much. We have had to put several of ours down too. Hurts terribly every time. 180 comments Ken - you Sir are very well liked.

  166. So sorry to hear this news. They bring us great joy, and leave a hole in our hearts when they go.

  167. Damn. I am so sorry to read that. My thoughts and prayers to you and Miss Lisa.

  168. Condolences, Kenny, it's never easy.

  169. Crying with you Ken.
    Marty West

  170. Man, sorry for your loss.


  171. Kenny--I am so sorry. I have been there and it still hurts.

  172. Never easy to lose a furry friend. Condolences

  173. I am sorry for your loss. Our pets get into our heart and soul, a friendship so true and pure that the loss follows us throughout our life. I currently have a horse who is past 40 yrs old. Every day I head to the barn wondering will this be "the day"? He doesn't roll anymore due to being unable to get back up, so, I brush him....alot. He is a very good friend and my heart hurts just thinking about his leaving this earth. I can only make him as comfortable and loved as possible.

  174. I think the reason my wife won't allow pets any more is the pain we've felt over the years having to put a beloved member of the family down. My sincerest condolences. Been there, felt that.

  175. Condolences. Slowly sweet memories will fill in the hole your heart.

  176. Considerations, Ken. The wifey struggled to hold back k tears. I have to keep repeating to myself "big boys don't cry..." with not a lot of success.

    God bless Lucy and CharlieGodammit.

  177. Kenny, haven't talked with you in a while, saw you post over at Expat's blog and it hit me in the guts. So sorry to hear the bad news.

  178. Sorry to hear this. The older I get, the harder it is to lose a dog.

  179. Empathy. Had to do the same to my 13-yo Border Collie at the end of July. One of the harder tasks a responsible dog owner has to do.

  180. A hard row to hoe. God bless y'all.

  181. So sorry about Lucy, Ken. I’ve had to put down five of our guys over the years, and it is heartbreaking. I held it together until I saw “Dogs are too pure for this world” and then I lost it. You & Lisa are a class act. Hang in there. We’ll see them a little while down the road. Thinking about you, chuck in SoDak.

  182. I'm very sorry for your loss. You gave Lucy a good life, and you did the right thing. I've been through this before (see my icon) and I'm just not up for another dog or cat.

  183. Sorry for your loss. I've enjoyed your tails over the years about her antics.


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